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Nobody here keeping me honest???!!! (867-4309)

Geez, I make one of the biggest mistakes on the 'web EVER and nobody notices or cares to tell me?

The song was not 867-4309. It was 867-5309! And for those born yesterday, this is in reference to my post below, which played off the famous song "Jenny 867-5309" from Toomy Tutone. 

My first impulse was to edit the title and act like it never happened. But for that post to sit for a day, maybe 500 people viewing it, and nobody replies... well that's a pox on all of our houses! (In the end I did change the original post to the correct number, because I'm linking to it and many won't get the joke) --Mike--
Post date: 2010-10-26 15:25:54
Post date GMT: 2010-10-26 22:25:54
Post modified date: 2010-10-26 16:12:48
Post modified date GMT: 2010-10-26 23:12:48
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