So I’ve got the camera (ContourHD, capable of shooting very high quality video from either a helmet or bike mount) but have not got the editing down at all. I thought I had some of it figured out; last Sunday’s ride, I managed to annotate the YouTube video I uploaded, but today? YouTube doesn’t seem to be working quite right. Too bad, since I’ve got some interesting footage that needs a bit of explanation in parts!
That’s the video, in need of a bit of story-telling. Basically it’s the first 6 or so minutes of our ride, heading through Woodside towards Kings, where we ran into a truck trying to make a corner that it couldn’t quite make (at 1 minute, 45 seconds), requiring a bit of off-road action on our part to make sure we didn’t get pinched. And then a bit further on, an opportunity to show you the exact timing point for the beginning of the climb (5 minutes, 17 seconds)! Darn.
For now, we’ll go with a bit warmer morning, but slightly damp, with a pretty good sized group. Karl, Eric, Kevin, Karen, George, Marcus, John… and maybe one more? Hard pace on Karl’s wheel up to the park entrance, then a bit easier up to the top. Seems like the part I’ve been looking forward to lately is west-side Old LaHonda, probably because Karl isn’t yet up to speed so he’s not so inclined to drop me like a rock. This too shall pass.