Monthly Archives: October 2011

Rain early, rain late. I rode early & late. Hope you rode in the middle!

Sigh. Went to bed last night with the light rain definitely winding down and the very real hope that the morning ride would be dry. A real-enough hope to keep me on my “nice” bike, not my super-duper Madone 6.9. Same for my son. Why ride his older (now rain/utility bike) when you can ride in style?

And it was relatively-dry for a while. The roads were slightly damp but not bad, and progressively dryer as we approached the start of the ride. This morning we had Zack, Eric, Karl, Karen, Eric, John, Kevin. And about halfway up the hill, we had… rain. Light rain to be sure, but rain it was. We were literally riding in a cloud, which killed off any idea of sprints on Skyline or a really high-speed run down the west side of 84. 51 degrees and wet. In early October!!!

Let’s hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.

Oh, right, the “late” part. Chain Reaction closes at 7pm and I’m normally done with all the end-of-day stuff and out the door by 7:40 or so. Not today; we had two late-arriving bike buyers, the latter of which didn’t leave until shortly before 9pm. And the rain? I think it started just about the time I left the shop. Nothing heavy, just a constant light rain all the way home. I was asked by my wife if I wanted a ride home (in a car) instead, but that’s not how I roll. More specifically, I roll on two wheels, not four.

Classic Woodside-Pescadero-Tunitas loop today

The “Classic” Woodside-Pescadero-Tunitas loop. Click on the map for details and downloadable files for Garmin computers

Finally, I think I’ve figured out how to do the Garmin bike computer thing right and create something that customers can download and find useful for rides.

Today we started with the classic Woodside-Pescadero-Tunitas Creek ride. As with most Chain Reaction rides, this one starts from Olive Hill & Canada Road in Woodside.

Click on the map to the left and you’ll be taken to the relevant page on, the website I used to create this ride. You’ll need to create a free account on their website, or you can download the actual file needed for a Garmin Edge 50o or 800 file from our own website here- downloading the .tcx file

More on this shortly.