Monthly Archives: July 2012

3 Days of riding in a row- Yipee! (But watch out for the Sheriff; they’re targeting cyclists again)

Bracket the usual Tuesday & Thursday rides with today’s spin to the coast, care of the July 4th holiday, and you get my first back-to-back-to-back riding days for quite a while. And just in time, since my son and I leave for France a week from tomorrow, where we’ll likely have 5, maybe even 6 good days of riding in a row.

The Sheriff’s dept was out in force today, cracking down on cyclists in Woodside. They were catching quite a few, probably for not stopping at stop signs.

Just me today; Kevin went off paintballing with his friends. The way he’s been riding lately, I need the extra miles a lot more than he does. Besides, it’s not so bad for me to ride solo once in a while, see how well I can motivate myself and climb at my own pace, whatever that pace is.

Back in the day, I could have used a ride like this as an easy-going joy ride, without trying to redline it on the climbs or push so strongly into the wind. That was before Strava. Now, with every aspect of every ride recorded and scored for all to see, the temptation is always present to give it what you’ve got. Today was no exception.

Two women asking for directions at the western base of Old LaHonda. Women may have outnumbered men on the road today.

I chose what’s commonly referred to as the “Coastal Classic”- Woodside, Pescadero, San Gregorio, Tunitas. Also known as “the usual.” A good barometer of your present shape, with some good climbs and just enough distance to test your endurance a bit. I think I passed the test. My Old LaHonda time was 22-something; sure, I wish it was fster, but that’s where I am right now, particularly on the first climb of the day. I felt slow on Haskins but my time fortunately said otherwise, and I got a recent personal best on one of the Stage Road climbs, as well as Stage Road from end-to-end. Tunitas? About 4 minutes off my best time, but I’m OK with that.

Am I ready for France? Bike-wise, sure. But tons to do at the shop before I go, making sure things can run smoothly for 11 days. And it’s just a week away.

Strava says “No accomplishments.” I say otherwise!

There were several accomplishments this morning! Starting with me getting out of bed; one of those nights where I didn’t sleep very well, not helped by a toilet that started to leak again at 2:30am (no big mess, since I’d put a bowl underneath the area it was leaking, just a loud drip-drip-drip or I suppose they were min-splashes).

Too many to count on the ride this morning; only notable missing person was Todd, whose work schedule has changed. One new guy who thought he should ride up ahead of us; I told him if he’s climbing in 28 minutes as he said, there’d be no problem. I was right. It’s my job, after all, to police the back of the field!

First accomplishment? Kevin got a new personal best of 24:46, and he’s now the go-to person for keeping track of times when the others he’s riding up front with don’t have their garmin or forgot to start & stop them. That used to be my job.

Chris at the front, just starting his big push, with Kevin (the pilot) behind. The shadow to the left is the other Kevin; today, I wasn’t concerned with him. Just Chris.

The more-important accomplishment happened toward the end of the ride, where George usually pushes the pace to get me blown off the back before the final sprint, but for some reason was feeling pretty kind today. It was an ideal situation for me, being 3rd in line behind Chris at the start of the sprint, letting me draft while keeping an eye out for when Chris started moving fast. I quickly passed up the #2 rider (Kevin the pilot) and settled onto Chris’ wheel for exactly the right amount of time to strongly come around him and take the sprint. Like in the old days. Since I’m getting older, shouldn’t there be more “old days?”