Monthly Archives: July 2012

Late-afternoon ride wasn’t the plan

Got up a bit late this morning, no biggie, we could leave as late as 11am and still do a Santa Cruz run… but that wasn’t the plan, did that last week. Today was going to be nothing more than the usual run to the coast, Pescadero, Tunitas, the usual, like I said.

But that plan went out the window when Kevin had a relatively-lengthy (but not severe, just lengthy) seizure that left him so tired he had to take a nap… and slept… and slept… until I finally went in and woke up up at 4pm. We left at 4:30, with the idea of riding up Old LaHonda and down the other side to West Alpine and back, but that went out the window when we saw the heavy fog coming in from the coast.

So instead of any sort of substantial ride, we just went up Old LaHonda (ok, I “went” up it, Kevin flew, with a new best time, for him, of 19:24), came back down 84 and then did the loop before returning home. Just under 35 miles, 2900ft of climbing, an easier ride than any of our Tuesday/Thursday runs.

But there will be an opportunity to add in some more miles this week, with Wednesday being July 4th, so I’ll actually get to ride three days in a row, quite a rarity for me!