Monthly Archives: July 2012

Crashes? Ow, yeah, we got those…

So we’re riding up this stupid never-ending grade that doesn’t have much going for it, heading towards the final summit of today’s stage, when this guy comes flying around the corner way over in my lane, moving too fast to miss me. Slams HARD into my left shoulder, knocking me to the ground. Helmet took most of it but still got a bruised lip, cheek, knuckles, thigh… But unlike the other guy, I can still ride. Actually he can too, but in an ambulance. Pretty sure he at least separated his shoulder, so Lisa/Hill Slug, if you’re reading this, no, my bone density isn’t so low that I can’t take a hit and keep on going!

And no, darn it, I wasn’t shooting video when it happened.

Our journey to Foix begins!

20120715-062932.jpg6:23 am and we’re already on a train? But that’s what you need to do to catch the Tour de France when it’s some miles away. I’ve been part of tour groups heading off a hour earlier than this, for a four hour trip on a bus. Four hours that would become five and a half in traffic. Much nicer on a train.

From Foix we ride up the course to the steepest climb, wait for the ‘tour and then ride 35 miles down the other side to a different train station for our return. We’ll see how the timing works out!