Almost-Daily Diary
Export date: Sun Jun 30 22:14:05 2024 / +0000 GMT

Another nice morning to ride!

Yes, a bit damp out there, but no real rain this morning. In fact, almost a bit on the balmy side, so I'd overdressed pretty badly, wearing my windfront tights and rain cap. Kevin (pilot), Karen and Mark P showed up this morning, all three of them just a bit faster than me up the hill which, of course, I blame on having to ride my "rain" bike. Never mind that Karen and Kevin were on their rain bikes too... but not Mark. Mark was out there on his current-model high-end road bike, thoroughly trashing it.

The other Kevin (my son) stayed away from the ride this morning, having some indigestion issues. He missed a really nice ride. I can't even figure out why it was a nice ride. It's not as if I was in such great shape I could ride people off my wheel; I was just barely hanging on! But just barely hanging on is more than good enough. It just feels so great to be on a bike, and not feel bad about eating too much afterward. --Mike--
Post date: 2014-12-04 23:40:58
Post date GMT: 2014-12-05 07:40:58

Post modified date: 2014-12-04 23:40:58
Post modified date GMT: 2014-12-05 07:40:58

Export date: Sun Jun 30 22:14:05 2024 / +0000 GMT
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