Endless shots of West Old LaHonda get kinda boring, but, why? People look at the weather report every day, sometimes multiple times a day, hoping to see something to give them hope it’s going to be nice. So why not show endless shots of one of the most-beautiful views of any road any where? Maybe because not everyone can relate to it the same way I do. Actually there’s something to that; I relate to the view section of West Old LaHonda so favorably because not only is it pretty, but it also represents the end of the significant climbing. It’s a reward, and if you didn’t ride up the mountain (Kings) and the hills (Skyline & West Old LaHonda) to get there, it’s just another pretty view.
Getting there, today, was not terribly easy. Thankfully Kevin wasn’t pushing hard; in fact, he even took a rest for a bit heading up Kings by having a small seizure. It was an easy enough pace that I could even carry on part of a conversation, which is very rare for me once the road tilts upward. I can’t explain why it was so slow; it was warmer by a few degrees than Tuesday, and I’d slept fairly well the previous night. Maybe it was because we were off schedule a bit, arriving to the start 4 minutes early. Yeah, that must have been it.
Assuming a normal Sunday ride, this will be my first normal week of riding since… the beginning of November. Really? It’s been that long since commuting each weekday by bike, plus Tuesday & Thursday full rides (no skipping West Old LaHonda), plus at least 50 miles on Sunday? Maybe once I get in a full week of riding I’ll get back in the swing of things again.
Or maybe it’s just winter and I can’t climb worth beans when it’s cold.