A bit slower than last week, but not last on Kings

Nice to not be last at the top of Kings for a change, although a bit slower than last week. Yes, it would be nice to see continuous improvement… would have loved to see another sub-30 time this morning! But Kevin & Marcus took off pretty fast & hard, and Karen followed at a pace I couldn’t match. George & JR were taking it really easy behind, leaving me in the middle.

In the end it was the first ride in ages that we finished almost on schedule. Back in the day, on a fast day, we’d be back at the start at 9:18am. More typically about 9:22. Today? 9:25. Compared to the 9:35-9:40 times lately, that’s a big improvement! Of course, we did manage to hit both lights green descending 84. 🙂

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