Not nearly as much fog & dampness; a transition day?

After a couple of weeks of damp & cold rides on Skyline, we saw a ray of hope this morning! Actually, we saw something that looked more like a death ray coming straight down from the clouds, targeting the area around Facebook, as Kevin and I headed up Kings. But no reports of vaporization or mass alien abduction that I know of.

At the start it was just two of us; myself and younger Kevin. We enjoyed a moderate pace up through the park, noticing a woman jogger we hadn’t seen in maybe two years on Greer (used to be a regular sighting). Wonder if she was surprised to see we were still out there?

At the top we were a bit surprised to see JR, Scotty and… darn, don’t recall the other guy’s name! Kevin will remind me tomorrow. Heading south on Skyline we did hit a few damp patches again, a little bit of fog, but I think the coldest temp I saw was 52, which felt so much warmer than the 47 we’ve seen the past few rides.

Overall a nice ride with nice people. 

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