All posts by Mike

A Mountain Lion almost took out Kevin this morning. Really. 4 others saw it happen.

Today West Old LaHonda wasn’t the highlight of the ride.

So yeah, this was one of those times you wish you were still using a video camera to record the rides. Truly a once-in-a-lifetime event. But we’ll get to that shortly.

This morning was unusual for a number of reasons. No, it wasn’t unusual for Kevin to consider begging out of the ride, due to not enough sleep the night before. But I’ve learned, and he resists wanting to learn, that you can generally ride on a pretty small amount of sleep and it really doesn’t get to you until the day after. Kevin’s usually more than a bit annoyed on days like this, because he’s thinking nobody else will be out there, so nobody will miss him.

Not so this morning. We had Colin, who’d normally be teaching school but it’s spring break. And Karen showed up. And, just as we started up the hill, Kevin (ex-pilot) is heading down the hill to meet us. So 5 of us heading up Kings. Well, sort of. Three headed up ahead (Kevin former kid, Karen and Colin) while I very gradually lost ground, and Kevin (ex pilot) was further back still. At the wide-open clearing I saw the Kevin/Colin/Karen for the last time and began circling, waiting for Kevin (ex pilot) for a minute or two. Surprisingly, even though I’d been previously pulling steadily away from him, it was much tougher riding with him the rest of the way up the hill.

Also surprisingly, we came across Kevin (ex kid) about half a mile from the top. Turns out he’d blown apart (“He’s cracked!” as Phil Ligett would say) and was pedaling squares (another Legittism).

Skyline wasn’t particularly noteworthy; it was dry, pretty breezy, and 45 degrees or so. Pretty comfortable stuff. And it would have remained pretty unremarkable if not for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with a mountain lion. All 5 of us were together, in tight formation, with Kevin (ex kid) in the lead. Maybe a quarter mile south of the Skeggs/Corte Madera parking lot (the smaller on on the coast side), doing maybe 22mph or so. And suddenly a very large (to me anyway!) mountain lion tears across the road, maybe a foot or two in front of Kevin, disappearing as quickly as it appeared. But not so quickly I didn’t notice its huge paws and tail.

Too bad I got a picture of a turkey and not the Mountain Lion!

Everyone saw it. A good thing, that, because otherwise each of us would have doubted what we’d seen. Years ago there had been a bobcat that darted across Kings, looking like a fast-moving ball of fur. This was nothing like that. Why did it wait until we came through though? Was it possibly targeting Kevin but bailed when it saw the rest of us? I doubt it, but it does make you wonder what would have happened if it had crashed into Kevin. Would it have run away or fought? Worst-case scenario, I think we would have been in pretty good shape, 5 of us, with bikes we could use as weapons as barricades.

Pretty tough to have anything else terribly interesting to talk about after that, but we did come across a flock of turkeys again on West Old LaHonda.

Better to get stronger towards the end than not at all, right?

Finally, a day we could ride without leg warmers! Actually, Kevin and I started with leg warmers but by the time we met up with Colin, just 10 minutes later, we decided to shed them. Just too nice a day to have anything on your legs. Kept the base layers on though.

I’m learning that I just don’t start out very fast anymore. More like the first half of the ride. Heading up Old LaHonda, I once again bid adieu to both Colin and Kevin, struggling to get up in 24:42, way below the 1000VAM that represent what I’m capable of. Or used to be? I hope those days aren’t gone. Haskins? Again, got to watch Kevin and Colin ride away from me, and that usually doesn’t happen; normally, by the time we get to Haskins, I’m riding well and often faster than Kevin. But, not today.

Pescadero. Finally things are getting back to normal. No long lines at the bakery so we were able to order the usual, a chicken club sandwich that Kevin and I split, and a giant cookie. Heading north on Stage wasn’t too bad today; the winds were mostly coming in from the coast, not the north. I felt OK on the first Stage Road hill, and finally came into my own on the second, steeper one, dropping Kevin and Colin along the way. I’ll admit I was trying. Same thing on the final climb up to Highway 1. I didn’t get to find out how things would go on Tunitas because Kevin had a pretty strong seizure towards the bottom and didn’t get up to full speed. But I did feel like I had a lot more power than earlier in the day!

I would really like to get one strong beginning-to-end outing soon, just to disprove any nonsense that turning 65 last week was in any way relevant. A case could be made that having to spend a whole lot of time filing forms to qualify for medicare took a toll on me though! Not something you can avoid, unless you want to spend an extra thousand dollars a month on health insurance.