All posts by Mike

I just keep rolling along (but it can’t last forever)

When you gotta go…
It’s an interesting world; as a guy getting older, the idea of sleeping through the night without having to get up and go once (or twice) is a fantasy. Just not possible. But on rides, I’m usually good for the duration, while Kevin, less than half my age, has to take a “natural break” (as they say in the Tour de France coverage) either at the top of Kings or West Old LaHonda. Maybe more so lately because it’s taking him longer to get to the top? More time to drink more? Which is my segue into the bizarro-world I find myself, where I’m climbing better than Kevin, even though his knee is now largely healed.

An odd thing, that, because as I ride home from work each night, I feel exhausted. Dead. Tired. Can’t even imagine trying to get a good time climbing Jefferson on the way home anymore. Just. Not. Possible. So I don’t even try. And when I’m just kind of phoning in the effort heading up the hill, looking at my computer and seeing dreadfully-low power readings, I can’t help but wonder how bad I’m going to feel the next morning, if that morning will be a Tuesday or Thursday, and I’m climbing Kings. And to my continuing surprise, each morning I feel so much stronger and I’m able to play a bit, laying down some power and getting a gap on Kevin or Kevin (or Kevin and Kevin), holding 300+ watts for a minute or so before throttling back and waiting for them to catch up.

Today’s ride had to be cut short a bit due to time; taking 37 minutes up Kings doesn’t leave enough time to do the full West Old LaHonda loop, so we rode across the “top” of West Old LaHonda, descending as far as the scenic spot (where the faces are carved into the wall) and stopped for a moment to see if there were any cyclists heading up the lower flanks towards us. It was a bit odd because normally, we’d be looking at… us!

It’s not going to last. Winter is coming, and I definitely slow down as it get colder. But in the meantime, I’ll continue to have fun, and continue to wonder what I might be capable of if challenged. But for now, I’m just hoping I can get something more than 43 miles out of Kevin on Sunday, maybe do the full Pescadero/Tunitas loop again.

When did Summer end and Winter start? Think it was today…

Really nice clouds today, and Kevin’s still smiling while on West Old LaHonda.
The days of not wearing leg warmers are over. How strange that we have all those warnings about dangerous conditions for fires and we end up on Skyline under dark skies and 50 degree temps? Something’s just not quite right with the world. Yeah, still 2020, how many days to go?

Kevin and I left at 10:10, a pretty early start for us. There was a chance we’d be leaving considerably earlier, maybe 8:45, to meet up with the other Kevin (pilot) but he ditched us in favor of swimming. Kevin (not pilot) pulled pretty strongly over Jefferson, Canada and Mtn Home, leading me to wonder if this would be the ride where he “returned” and leaves me in the dust. Not quite yet. He might have overdid himself en route to Old LaHonda, so we rode “casual” at about 26 minutes. Too bad; at 56 degrees it was pretty ideal climbing weather, and I had legs that wanted to go hard.

Passing by the duck pond we saw a very large Crane take flight, two Herons where the turtles used to be, and maybe half as many ducks as usual. Are they already heading south for winter?

West Alpine. What can you say? It was a bit under an hour; Kevin’s knee was OK, but no gas in the tank. Quite beautiful on the way up, with scattered clouds and really blue skies, but towards the top came the ominous-looking clouds and dropping temps. This was the first ride in ages where I suffered a full-blown Raynauds attack (an issue with the circulation in my hands causing my fingers to go white and lose feeling); I’ll be packing long-fingered gloves in the future!