All posts by Mike

Sunday, To the Sea! But a lot more of me showed up Tuesday

Sunday, there really wasn’t a choice. It’s been weeks, maybe over a month, who knows how long, since I’d ridden out to the coast. I’ve been hanging out on “this” side of the hill, sometimes due to weather, sometimes due to having to ride solo and not feeling like I wanted to be “over the hill” with too many thoughts to myself. Lots of reasons. But Sunday I finally got out with three others (Kevin, Kevin, JeffH) and did the LaHonda/San Gregorio/Pescadero loop. It wasn’t pretty; I was the weakest link all along the way. But I survived, saw the creek flowing on Tunitas, and yeah, it was slow, JeffH waited for me at the Grassy Knoll (where the steep part of Tunitas ends) but I didn’t mind that it took just over an hour. }

Tuesday was another thing entirely. No idea why a different version of me, one I hadn’t seen for a while, showed up and actually wanted to climb. That first steep pitch on Kings, yes, it still hurt, but I got over the top of it and didn’t feel 100% dead like usual. Kept up with Kevin, for once, and by the time we got to the first creek crossing I was gapping him, able to put in a minute or so hard effort, then throttle back and wait for him to catch up. Actually able to keep that up all the way to the top. Don’t know how fast I’d have been if I’d just kept it up, but looks like I’m going to have to re-calibrate the rate of my decline and actually raise my FTP, which I’d just lowered to a pathetic 210 watts.

Tomorrow… who knows what version of me shows up tomorrow. Film at 11.

Sometimes a little squeeze means so much more…

Posted this earlier today on FB. –Mike

Being there for your spouse/partner/BFF. None of us gets out alive, even the healthiest person who’s never been sick a day in their life. Eventually we pass on. And what will be remembered of those we loved when that time comes?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I’m embracing the role of taking care of my wife as she continues her journey with Cancer, and she’s always telling me thank you for things like making sure her cup of water is topped up, rubbing her back, that sort of thing.
But I’m not going to be remembering her frequent thank-yous if she moves on before me. What I’m going to remember is when she lightly squeezes my hand, pats me on the thigh. That’s what I’m going to remember and miss.

Geez I’m a mess. I’m having trouble holding it together as I type this. And “thank you” would probably be just fine if not for all my trips to France where “sil vous plait” (thank you) is a mandatory addition to nearly every transaction; the words must be said, while in other areas (I’m in the US), tone of voice can tell someone you’re appreciative and we believe more meaningfully than the words alone.