All posts by Mike

I wish I knew

Weather right now in Lourdes and Grenoble, France, the bases for covering the Pyrenees & Alps, respectively.
It is a very, very odd thing. I really don’t have a good idea how fast I am on the climbs right now. It’s been weeks since I’ve ridden with anyone where I could “air it out” and really try to kill myself up Kings. The only thing I do know is that it’s no longer difficult to get under 30, and a 28-something could be the regular routine. If I was able to get more miles in on Sundays and really push myself, I’m guessing I’d be back in the mid-27s again. Maybe. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking. I just don’t know.

I do know that I’m not supposed to be here. I’m in the wrong parallel universe at the moment. The universe I’m supposed to be in is in France. But this year, everything’s upside-down. Even if I was in France, even if the ‘Tour was running right now, they put together a screwy course that has the last week in the Alps again, just like last year. Right now, Kevin and I should have arrived in either Paris (CDG) about an hour ago, or Geneva (GVA) about an hour or two from now. If we were heading to the Pyrenees, it would be Paris, where we’d have 4 hours to make the transfer to Gare Montparnasse. Best option is the Air France bus, which takes you from outside the terminal at CDG straight to the Gare Montparnasse train station. The train leaves at 12:47, arriving Lourdes at 5:39. This is not the best example of high-speed rail in France; once you get past Bordeaux, it’s pretty ancient & slow track. Last year, before the course was announced, that’s what we expected to do.

But they did the screwy thing with the course that I mentioned, so instead, we’d be heading back to the Alps again. Probably flying into Geneva and taking a short train from the airport to the main Geneva train station, then a two hour not-terribly-fast train to Grenoble.

Whether Lourdes or Grenoble we have apartments we stay in within an extremely short walk from the train station. Less than 100 meters in Lourdes, maybe 300 meters in Grenoble.

In my mind, right now, I’m navigating the transfer from the airport to the train. Seriously, this is the first time I’ve been here in Redwood City, on the 3rd Thursday of July, in 10 years. No, 12 I think. I think 2008 was the last ‘Tour I missed. To Grenoble, since that’s where the final week of climbing is this year. Kevin and I will arrive, with our two Bike Fridays each in their own suitcase, two other suitcases with clothes & whatever is needed for 12 days away from home, plus a backpack each, one with camera gear, the other laptops & such. It’s a bit of a struggle getting it all loaded up into the train, but not too bad; we’re pretty used to it by now. But obviously, the fewer connections, the better.

We’ll arrive at our apartment in Grenoble about 5:30pm, same time we would have arrive in Lourdes had that been our destination. Check in, get a shower, then head out to eat. Stay up until 11pm or so France time, making it a very, very, VERY long travel day, but with the benefit that you sleep straight through and actually feel kind of normal waking up on the other side of the world at 8am “their” time, which is 11pm back home. That’s a lot of time difference!

But, that’s not where I am. And even if the ‘Tour hadn’t been rescheduled to September, I still wouldn’t be there, because it’s still way too busy at the shop. Kevin and I do have plans & tickets to go in September, but getting the shop moved might keep that from happening (although it’s possible that we might want to just close the shop for 12 days then anyway, just to give everyone a rest). And it’s possible that Covid-19 will still be going strong enough in California that Europe won’t let us in. It’s looking pretty doubtful at the moment, which is exactly the reason I ought to try and do everything I can to make it happen. I wish it was Lourdes we’d be heading back to, but I’ll settle for Grenoble and the screwy course they’ve laid out this year.

You’re feeling good, you want to play, but you have to hang back for the guy on the e-bike.

Upper 40s on West Old LaHonda, down to 44 and really wet on Skyline. Leg warmers and base layers were an excellent choice today!
Nothing is playing out quite as expected these days. Kevin’s knee is still bothering him so I talked him into riding his e-bike on the regular Tuesday/Thursday-morning ride again. This time the full distance, no skipping the West Old LaHonda section. And I was thinking, maybe trying to chase down an ebike might help me get up Kings faster! OK, I was actually dreading it, but still…

But even with 350 extra watts as his disposal, Kevin wasn’t making tracks up Kings this morning. In fact, by the time I got to the park entrance, I had to pull up lame and circle back to find him. Looking at Strava, it was exactly a minute before I came up to speed again. And from there on, I was still having to hold myself back for the slower guy on the e-bike. That’s not how it’s supposed to work, right? But maybe if your knee is giving you issues, sometimes it’s not that you can’t deliver “power” but maybe any rotation at all is an issue.

I’m really looking forward to Kevin being healthy again and challenging me on the climbs. Despite all the crazy stuff going on in my life, the health issues, the stress, it just seems like my body wants to climb again. Fast. I mean, not fast compared to really fast people, but fast enough not to be thinking I’m slow anymore.

As for the range of Kevin’s e-bike, after Sunday’s determination that it can’t quite make it to the coast and back, well, it’s not quite ready, with a gimpy knee anyway, for the full 31.4 miles of the Tuesday/Thursday-morning ride either. But close! Kevin lost power almost exactly 1 mile from home, and very much exactly, precisely, at the very top of Jefferson, just as it heads downhill to home. Could not have timed a loss of power any better than that!