All posts by Mike

Unexpected- 5 of us this morning!

It was not what Kevin expected to see at the start of this morning’s ride… it might be normal to see Kevin (pilot) show up once a week, but to add George and new-guy Don, plus a Karen sighting? That’s a bit much!

Not sure If we’re seeing a return to “normal” amidst the COVID-19 bleakness or just random chance that people are re-establishing routines again.

The main takeaway for younger Kevin, something I brought up, is that older guys often ride at an easier pace just because. Which seems a bit strange to us because we only ride slow when there’s no option because we’re dead tired or really out of shape. Why would you ride slowly if you didn’t have to?

First I thought it was an arrow pointing to a rock…

Kevin’s first Tuesday/Thursday ride since brain surgery was kinda slow… ok, really slow. But what’s not fair is that, three weeks from now, he’s predicting he’ll be finishing a day ahead of me on the big climbs again. Hate that. But today was slow, slow enough that we didn’t get to do the West Old LaHonda section. He promises he’ll be up to that on Thursday.

Just the two of us, but there were a fair number of other riders out there. And I was going to show Kevin the new “Cyclists Suck” graffiti someone had painted on the road up towards the top of Kings, but couldn’t see it. But did try to get a photo showing someone wrote “ROCK” in big green letters, with what looked like an arrow pointing to one. Except that I couldn’t find the rock. Then I look at the photo tonight and realize, oh, that’s where it used to say “Cyclists Suck” and someone crossed out “Suck” (hence the green line, which I thought was an arrow) and wrote “Rock” underneath. I get it!