All posts by Mike

What is it about my Thursday rides that go so much harder/faster than Tuesdays? Best time through the park since 2015

How many photos of West Old LaHonda are found in the Almost Daily Diary? Don’t know, but it’s a LOT.
Interesting morning. Some issues causing me some grief and lack of sleep, and I started up the hill wondering if I’d turn back early. But that’s tough for me to do, especially if my legs seem to be working, and this morning they were.

Solo ride (again), as befits social distancing right? Saw quite a few others out there though. When I made it to the gate at the top of Huddart under 10 minutes, I was thinking OK, maybe I’m feeling better than I thought. My heart, legs and lungs all seemed to be in-tune, all able to run right at the same edge, without that feeling of “I sure wish I could breathe a bit better, since my legs feel good today.” About two-thirds of the way up, I came across “that guy” who Kevin (pilot) and I couldn’t catch a few weeks ago. No big deal, except that he’s on a mountain bike. Doing a whole lot more work than we were. Today? I spotted him well ahead, bridged the gap and passed him strongly. And kept going strong afterward. Remember, the most-important rule of all, in cycling… never, ever, pass someone you won’t be able to stay ahead of.

And yes it was one heck of a nice morning, first day in ages where I didn’t need leg warmers, or a base layer, or long-fingered gloves.

Got to the top of Kings in 29:29; had I ridden as hard the “normal” way, I might have been a 28-something. That will wait for another day. At the top, no hesitation, just turned left and kept going. When you’re riding solo, you’re in control. Keep the watts up. Level out the effort.

Average speed 16.3mph. I can live with that. 10 years ago my rides were in the 16.4mph range. And I got back to the starting point right at 9:18 too! Basically back on the old schedule. With the old legs, old lungs, yeah, older body. But still feeling like I can drill it once in a while.

What’s it like, running an “Essential Business” during the Covid-19 crisis?

We have three lines coming into the shop. All three were in use quite often today. The aftermath is seen on the right, as Kevin & Becky take stock of what’s left. Of themselves.
Wow. It. Just. Doesn’t. Stop. There is no question that people feel a need for what cycling offers. Since we can’t go out in social groups, the family unit becomes ever-more-important because they’re the only people, those living under the same roof, we’re allowed close contact with. And bicycles have served as a sort of effort-leveling device for young & old. If there are very young kids, say, 4-7, they’ll be on their 16 & 20-inch-wheel bikes with the parents walking behind. As they get a bit older and faster, the parents will be on their cruisers & hybrids, extending their range, sometimes pretty dramatically. Married couples who had never seen so much of each other, desperate to find something new to do, with getting out on a bike being a unique combination of social, exercise and seeing things in a new light.

And so they come to us, bringing bikes that had been sitting in a garage (if they’re lucky) or left outside in the yard, needing tires, chains, gears unstuck and more often than not having to be told “She’s dead, Jim” (immortal line from the original Star Trek). Our repairs are literally a month behind, our floor is running out of bikes. Nobody thought it would be like this. And having to plan our move to the new location at the same time? It’s like, you’ve got to be kidding.

Meantime I’m trying to keep riding as much as I usually would, “celebrating” the reopening of Huddart Park by riding through it on a Tuesday (we normally ride through Huddart on Thursday) with both Kevin (pilot) and Jenny, a local female legend who can hang with the infamous “morning” ride.