All posts by Mike

66 miles in 3 parts, 1st view of coast in a very long time

Poppys on lower flank of Tunitas Creek
So yes, I pushed a bit past the new 10 mile radius from home limit today, finally getting out to the coast via Old LaHonda & 84. Non-stop so no chance to infect anyone or pick up an infection, and even passed on the chance to draft a couple of guys while fighting the headwind to the coast. Let me tell you, that took some will power!

The social distancing concept still needs some work; I saw a pretty large group gathering at the base of Old LaHonda, and quite a few at the top of Kings. Until we’ve got this thing really under control, I don’t think riding in group of more than 4 or 5 is a sensible thing to do right now. Just sends the wrong message. Never mind that I was definitely pushing the range limit myself today.

After getting home from ride #1 I went out for a “lunch” ride with my wife (she cheated with an ebike), and then after that, went back out yet again and did an out & back on Canada. More miles in one day than I’ve had in a very long time!

In just two days, a fully-legal San Mateo County ride!

There are those days where you don’t get much sleep, stuff keeps you up, or you end up waking up in the middle of the night, find something to do for a bit, then try to get back to sleep. Last night was one of those nights. Funny thing, though… you can still get up and ride, and feel much better, the rest of the day, if you do. Don’t know how that works.

Cool enough that I had to go for long-fingered gloves, leg warmers and base layer, but warm enough to have burned off most of the morning fog. Solo ride, but caught up to a couple of people on the way up Kings, including Karen, who turned around just prior to the Arhcery Range which, I think, is the exact 5 mile turnaround point for her. Something she doesn’t have to worry about after Saturday, when we can extend our San Mateo County rides to a 10 mile radius from home!

Thursdays seem to be my faster days, although I didn’t push too hard at the beginning, not knowing how I was going to hold up after the restless night.