All posts by Mike

A really nice morning

Hard to believe things are so messed up when Spring has finally hit; 60 degrees, still in leg warmers but just a jersey and short-finger gloves. It is just so nice out there; this is what keeps me going. I am not thinking about two hours down the road, opening the shop, answering the phone a zillion times because people want to get their old bikes fixed so they can do something other than walk around the block 5 or 6 or 10 times. And that’s what many of them actually do; I see it from my kitchen window.

But when I’m out on my bike, on a morning like that, very few people on the road, the sun is shining… for a couple hours of my day, I’m not thinking about how crazy work is, I’m not thinking about the shelter order that prevents us from getting our new location fixed up so we can move into it. I’m not thinking about all the little and big stresses that life has thrown at me the past few years.

Instead, I’m thinking this is something I have control over. I can go faster, I can take it easier. I can ride at a conversational pace or I can bust my lungs apart. Let’s see, I’m 64 right now, started long-distance riding and racing at 15. That means next year I’ll have spent 50 years at this? Kevin (pilot) was on the ride with me this morning and asked how many times I’ve climbed Kings over the years. It’s pretty ridiculous. But as long as I can keep coming back for more, it’s kind of like a way of stopping the clock. I’m not actually getting older if I can still do the same things, right? Even if just a bit slower.

Really nice day to ride Page Mill… if you wanted to ride Page Mill

It’s tough not being able to ride to the coast anymore, since that makes you a pretty easy target for violating the 5 mile radius from home restriction. It’s actually pretty much impossible to get in a good ride at all that’s within a 5 mile radius, so yes, I’ve been stretching it a bit. Today, OK, more than a bit at 12.14 miles. Up Page Mill, down West Alpine, back up 84 & West Old LaHonda then descend back into Woodside on 84.

Why Page Mill? Yeah, good question. It’s probably my least-favorite hill because I just can’t get a rhythm on it. The pitch varies too much and my breathing works best with a pretty steady load. But I got there, enjoying the nice views and especially enjoying a ride that didn’t require long-fingered gloves, base layer or leg warmers! Coldest temp I saw was 60.4 degrees I think.

Yes, LOTS of cyclists out there, but a bit worrisome that it could have been as few as 10% using flashing front & rear lights.

The other thing I saw lots of were cars heading out to the coast on 84. Zillions of them. If anything, more than I’d see on a normal Sunday (pre- Covid-19). There were two Sheriff’s cars parked at Sky L’onda, but they didn’t seem to be doing anything. I have a hard time believing all those drivers had essential business out on the coast. As for the cyclists, we are in fact recognized as legit because we’re exercising. That’s the case in every California County Shelter ordinance I’m aware of. Of course, only San Mateo county places the 5 mile radius from home limit…