All posts by Mike

Zig-zag here, zig-zag there. Would have been fully legal if 84 hadn’t been shut down.

A wet Sunday would seem like a perfect time to ride a trainer, get into one of the Zwift rides, instead of being out in the muck. But it’s so much easier to motivate myself outside than inside, and with the entire world focusing on isolating yourself, staying indoors and breathing “used” air, I just had to get out on a legal 5 mile radius ride.

Up Kings, something I try to avoid at all costs on a Sunday ride. Why? Because I ride up it every single Tuesday & Thursday, no matter what, so why, on a Sunday would I want to ride up Kings? But not too many options when you have to do a ride within a 5 mile radius from home.

So up Kings at a pretty easy pace, stopped on the way to take a photo, then south on Skyline to 84. Down 84. I said, down 84. You know, into Woodside. I knew the road had been closed earlier due to a downed tree, but no flares, no tape, no sign that it was closed at Sky Londa, and cars were coming up the hill.

What we didn’t know was that those cars had gone down the hill about half a mile and had to turn around… as you can see in the photo. Very strange. But what the heck, it added a mile or so to the ride, and we had an excuse for having to go a mile or so beyond the legal radius and descend Old LaHonda back into Woodside.

I’ll be happy when we can ride to the coast again.

Cracks in the foundation

An unintentional almost-panoramic couple of photos taken near the Archery Range hairpin on Kings.
It’s beginning to wear on me, this life thing. The Corona Virus, of course, limiting the range I can roam on my bike. The Corona Virus, of course, dramatically changing the way we do business at the shop. And that life thing that gets to you, being 64, and in the old days age was enough by itself to get you thinking about things better not thought of, but now you have the Corona Virus telling everyone to think that way. So, one of those rare days where sure, I did feel better at the end of the ride than the beginning, but would have been nice to feel the usual positive emotions along the way.

OK, the details. Just me; Kevin hadn’t slept well, and this really wasn’t a great morning for it to be just me. As the prior paragraph implies, I was in kind of a dark place. It did give me an excuse to stop and take photos along the way, since I was clearly in no hurry to get up the hill. That was apparent at the first timing point, hitting it right at 4 minutes vs 3 minutes, 30 seconds, just two days prior. And it got worse from there. Maybe Sunday’s ride, in the rain, will go better.