All posts by Mike

Chain Reaction’s road-clearing crew at work

Pretty crazy weather today; we thought perhaps the wind might die down if we waited a bit, but no luck, kept on going strong! Kevin and I finally got out around noon, wondering which way we might be blown. Kind of felt like this would have been a great day for a one-way record to Santa Cruz. But instead we headed up Old LaHonda, out to LaHonda and back via West Alpine.

Slow? Oh yeah, really slow. Of course we stopped a few times to clear debris on the way up OLH, the biggest job being close to the top, as seen in the photo above. Don’t know what the cars would do without us! Kind of interesting on the way up, hearing cracking limbs above us and, at one point, being a bit too close to quite a few large branches coming down. Guess that’s why we wear helmets, right?

Windy Sunday!

Finally a good cookie face test moment in Pescadero! Getting there required a slightly different game plan, with the crazy winds from the north dictating a counter-clockwise direction so we could head south on Stage Road. Kevin did a great job pulling from LaHonda to San Gregorio, 100% without help from me. The kid is strong even when he hasn’t been riding much.

Of course the problem with counter-clockwise is climbing Haskins from the tougher side. Not something we do very often, unless planning to head up West Alpine, and that wasn’t in the cards. Maybe when it warms up a bit.