All posts by Mike

Still not quite there yet

You’d think we’d be back to the usual Pescadero/Tunitas run, but not yet. There’s always something, and today it was Kevin’s lungs feeling hypersensitive to whatever smoke is left in the air.

So after a very slow (notice I didn’t say easy) ride up Old LaHonda, we headed straight out to the coast (San Gregorio) and returned via Tunitas. Sort of. We did a detour to pay a visit to K Keenan (aka “pilot”) on the way back but he wasn’t in.

But, a least three Corgis of Olive Hill we’re out again.

A bit on the colder side, a bit smoky, but still feels nice to ride

Two days on West Old LaHonda
Tuesday was a bit of a surprise; we had an actual group, not just myself and Kevin (son). Riding with us was Kevin (pilot) and JR. Not fast, just going through the motions, riding like it was winter. But maybe it was? 35 degrees in Woodside. Warmed up as we rode up the hill, and a balmy 45 on Skyline!

Since we’d been riding pretty easy, I actually took the lead heading west on 84 towards West Old LaHonda. A rare thing, but helped to stay warm.

Thursday… still cold! But at least our power was back on when I got home. Which also meant being able to make coffee before the ride! Just myself and Kevin (son), and just as slow as Tuesday. Definitely riding slower in the cold, no question. Just a few weeks ago we didn’t need leg warmers; now, it’s all about picking the right gloves. Hate that!