All posts by Mike

Phil Collins is, in fact, Not Dead Yet. But doesn’t look to be that far away.

Phil Collins approaches the stage using a cane, walking feebly and reminding one of Peter Garbriel playing a very old man in one of his costumed theatrical moments. But no, this wasn’t for show, this WAS the show. Phil Collins entertained my wife and I pretty much sitting in a chair the entire two hours of the show.

Funny thing is, we expected to see old people in the audience… really old people… and we saw a few. But overall, the audience actually seemed younger than at the Genesis concert we attended in, what, 2007? A very long time ago.

Tuesday & Thursday rides. Thursday = More Better!

Tuesday’s ride on the left, Thursday’s ride on the right.
Tuesday’s ride was shortened a bit by Kevin running a bit late getting going, and struggling up the hill. It was kind of ugly. I mean sure, it’s nice when I feel better than someone else, but it’s not so much fun when Kevin (kid, not the pilot) is not having an easy time. The other Kevin (Pilot) was still recovering from non-specified injuries that he’s in therapy for. We actually rode so slowly we had to shorten things a bit and skip the just-reopened West Old LaHonda section!

But Thursday was different. We actually had company Thursday; both Kevin (pilot) and Lanier. Actually, we didn’t meet up with pilot Kevin until quite a ways up Kings, as he’d gone up earlier, thinking he wouldn’t be able to keep up. Well, at a 33 minute pace, that really shouldn’t have been much of an issue! We also caught up, just barely, to a young woman climbing Kings who was cruising along without too much effort. She couldn’t accompany us on the West Old LaHonda section because of this work-thing some people apparently have, but we did invite her to future rides, and mentioned that our reliability isn’t affected by rain. We just might have convinced her to avoid us entirely. 🙂

It was a beautiful day on West Old LaHonda, as you can see in the smaller photo. Click on it for the full-size version. And yes, that’s a bench somebody installed at the view spot.