All posts by Mike

Fly to Boston Tuesday, fly back Wednesday. Doesn’t everybody?

As a member of the Board of Directors for the NBDA I sometimes travel to exotic places, like Austin, or Sioux Falls, or Las Vegas, or, this time, Boston! It’s about as far as you can fly and still be in the US.

Saw more of the airport than the town. Nice weather at least. Interesting flight out; pilot announced we needed the clear the aisle because maintenance folk had to bring blue water back to the rear bathroom. Had not seen that done before. Better bringing blue water to the bathroom than brown water from it.

Managed to get back to the airport just in time to catch an earlier flight home. One of the nice perks of having elite status. You just walk up to the gate and ask if there are any seats left. If there are, you’re good, with no extra fees.

Last Tuesday was kinda cold!

Better late than never? A long week including some travel so finally getting around to Tuesday’s solo chilly ride. Kevin had been having a bunch of seizures so didn’t feel up to getting out on a bike, and the other Kevin is on crutches! I did take it pretty easy through the corner I broke my pelvis last February, even though no chance of ice.

Nothing fast, just some pleasant miles on a bike.