All posts by Mike

It’s hard to explain getting faster

It’s been an ongoing thing lately, this erasure of my prior 3 years of decline. Doesn’t make much sense, at 63, to start getting faster again. This morning, it was my Huddart Gate to Gate time, followed by Old LaHonda. At 22:11, there’s a part of me wondering if I could possibly get under 22 again. A 21-something would be pretty amazing. Just 12 seconds faster.

But, the clock is running. Mid-October is traditionally the end of my faster times, and that’s not that far away. Plus my med levels were just increased, making it more likely my hematocrit will take a dive.

But for now, I’ll take it.

Kings Mtn closed so we could save a dog on 84

Our Woodside Road/84 dog rescue operation. First, snag the dog away from traffic. Second, figure out where the dog lives. Third, walk across the street to the dog’s house and deliver him to his owner.

There are days that don’t go quite as planned but apparently for a reason. Today was one of those days. Just myself and Kevin on an interesting morning… fog! Despite the past few days of hot weather (and more hot weather later today), visibility was low as we started towards the beginning of the ride. It did feel quite nice; who cares if you can’t see where you’re going.

We knew ahead of time there was a chance Kings Mtn Road would be closed; we’d heard it would be at 8am. Well, we get to the bottom at 7:50am right? And nobody to stop you as you head up the initial ramp. Looks good! Until you get to the park entrance, where it’s barricaded and two friendly guys explain the rules to you. Basically, you have to be able to make it to the Archery Range hairpin by 8am. It’s 7:59am when we pull up to that barricade. One minute to make it to the archery range. Not going to happen. You start doing the mental calculations in your head; what time would you need to start the ride to make it before the road closure? Probably 7:20am. Not being morning people, that’s not going to happen.

So after the roadblock we headed back via the park (something I think we’ll avoid in the future; it’s a pretty bumpy ride at speed) and then south towards Old LaHonda. On the way there, just before 84 heads up to Skyline, we spot a small black cocka-something wandering onto and off of the road, in front of a a whole lot of fast-moving traffic. A dog that absolutely had zero street smarts and wouldn’t be alive much longer. So we pull off to the side and Kevin goes to grab the dog and inspect his tags. There’s a phone number for a dog finding service! Umm… yeah. “You are caller #12 in line. Please hold for the next available operator.” Then Kevin discovers another dog tag, with an address! And another phone number! And we’re about to call the phone number when I point out to Kevin that the address is across the street.

Kevin figures out how to get past their gate and down the driveway to deliver their dog back. I guess it made sense to do that, rather than just put it back into the yard, since the dog did, of course, escape from that same yard. A young woman thanked Kevin and we were back on our way.

It’s strange, thinking about heading up Old LaHonda on a Tuesday morning. Not quite in the negative way I’d think about heading up Kings on a Sunday (because I ride up Kings so often, every Tuesday & Thursday morning, why would I want to do it again on a Sunday?). But I was wondering what it might be like, doing Old LaHonda hours earlier than normal, and after a short warm-up climb on the first part of Kings. It was actually pretty nice! I didn’t set the world on fire but did manage to keep VAM above 1000.

Wonder what happens Thursday?