All posts by Mike

Something wonderful is happening!

Finally seeing some work done on getting West Old LaHonda reopened!
It was a Thursday like most others recently; just myself and Kevin (kid, not Pilot), started out pretty strong on the run through the park, but kinda died by the time I got to the intersection with Kings. Not super-slow, but casual enough to actually talk with Kevin about a few things on the way up.

Leg warmers. Darn, really wish those could just be put away completely for the summer! No such luck; the marine layer (think fog) keeps moving in and out with no particular rhyme or reason. Yesterday morning it was in. Mostly burned off by the time we got to the top, but still pretty sloppy pavement and down to 47 degrees.

Tuesday we’d ridden Native Sons given that West Old LaHonda was closed, but today I wanted to head out and see if we could view the construction work “live.” Not possible from the bottom, but they’re bringing the equipment in from the top so the newly-installed “none shall pass” gate was wide open. There weren’t any barriers at all actually, but if you tried really hard, yes, you could see the “road closed” signs on the now-sideways barricades. But my eyes aren’t that good.

As soon as we got within sight, we got off our bikes and walked close enough to see what was happening and get some pictures. Don’t think anybody noticed us. Definitely did not want them thinking we were going to ask if we could get through!

From what I learned from the county road guy last week, we’ve probably got about 3 weeks before our road is back. That will be very nice.

Beam me up Scotty!

The Pilot’s back! Finally, it’s not just me & Kevin on the ride; the Pilot showed up. Not terribly fast right now; he’s recovering from a nasty case of Lyme disease, but that’s OK, allowed for a conversational pace for all. A rare thing when I can actually talk while climbing Kings.

And we did something a bit different at the Pilot’s request. Since we can’t do the West Old LaHonda loop for the next few weeks, he suggested Native Sons. That twisty little road that drops down the west side of Skyline, similar to a few others, and ending at a fence with all sorts of nasty signage telling you to go back to where you came from. Pretty harsh climb out, but not bad pavement and no cars.

We returned via the upper part of Tunitas, almost but not quite getting a personal best on that segment. I came unglued from Kevin’s wheel just before the end. Darn. Yet, I don’t feel like I have to go try again.