All posts by Mike


A very nice day on Kings, enjoyed by many others!
Not quite as warm as Tuesday, but much nicer than those before. No clouds, no fog, dry roads. Just Kevin and I at the start of the ride, although we passed a number of small groups on the way up. A conversational pace, which means, if I’m actually taking part in the conversation, it’s not very fast!

In a way the ride was a bit formulaic, nothing particularly notable or exciting. And in a way, that makes it particularly notable & exciting because you can’t have boring normalcy without… normal.

We did see a bit of fog as we descending 84 towards West Old LaHonda, but it stayed ahead of us, and gave us the requisite beautiful views off of West Old LaHonda.

Confession time: Since Monday, I’ve been riding a Domane+ e-bike on my commute from work to home. It’s been a lot of fun, cruising along at 23mph into a headwind without much effort, and arriving home, after climbing 400ft, without needing a shower. But it felt a bit like I was cheating on my “regular” bike (Emonda SLR), and today, I decided it was time to see what I was missing. I rode my “regular” bike home, up the hill, ironically drafting my son who was on… an e-bike (Crossrip+). And you know what? It felt nice. Really nice. I enjoyed having ever watt of propulsion up the hill come from my own lungs & legs. I don’t quite find the same soul-cleansing quality on the e-bike that I get on my regular bike. There’s a place for both.