All posts by Mike

Finally, a normal ride!

After the smoke, after the drizzle, after the extra-long hours preparing the Black Friday Week specials for the shop, well, it had been quite some time since there had been a “regular” bike ride. But today, finally, felt back to normal.

It took a bit to finish prepping the bikes after Thursday’s shortened Thanksgiving Day ride, the ride where we’d intended to head to the coast, but as it started to rain on West Old LaHonda, we turned tail and basically headed for home. Bikes were a bit of a mess; we hosed them off lightly at the time, and then this morning I cleaned and re-lubed the chains. Amazing how much nicer a bike rides with a clean chain! Nice enough that Kevin flew up Old LaHonda in something under 20 minutes (leaving me 4 minutes behind), and nice enough that I was feeling my usual “better” self once on Haskins. I was a bit concerned that somehow every bit of fitness had just completely gone away, but that wasn’t the case.

Pescadero Bakery wasn’t too crowded, and in fact, very, very few cars on the roads too. Funny how we just take for granted how nice the roads out to the coast are; if we come across a car a minute, it seems normal. That’s really pretty awesome.

Tunitas. Well, yes, Tunitas. It felt like we had gone faster than the 53 minutes Strava says. Truthfully, it felt more like a 49 if you ask me. But it wasn’t. Almost wish I hadn’t known that. I didn’t know it at the time, because my Garmin did something wonky after I installed what I hoped would be a pretty cool app that tells you wind direction and speed. I was also riding without power because my power meter battery died. So from a standpoint of the traditional ride metrics that detail the shape I’m in or how hard I was riding, I was kinda blind.

And yet, still, a very nice ride.

First things first- Turkey Day Ride time 8:30am, back by 2pm! See you there?

Every picture tells a story.
We’ll cover Thursday’s Turkey Day Trot first. The weather looks… hopefully OK? “Partly cloudy early, followed by some light rain later in the day.” We’ll start from the usual place- Olive Hill & Canada Road. Just not the usual hour. Sleeping in a bit. And maybe it will warm up some too! We’ll be heading up Old LaHonda, over Haskins to Pescadero, with a stop at the gas station for Tacos. Gas station for Tacos? Seriously? Obviously you haven’t been to the Pescadero Gas Station! They’ve got an excellent little Mexican restaurant that operates every day of the year I think? It’s always been open Thanksgiving anyway, while the traditional food stop has been closed (the Grocery store/Bakery). Bring cash as they do NOT take credit cards! We’ll head north on Stage Road, then back over Skyline via Tunitas. We should be back by 2pm, plenty of time for Thanksgiving dinner with family or friends. Or a friendly family, if that applies. For this ride we relax the standards a bit; Old LaHonda in 27 minutes is fine.

Who will show up? It could be just myself and my son (Kevin). Or who knows, maybe a few people who’ve gotten tired of hiding from all the smoke!

OK, today’s ride. This was not a great morning for Kevin (my son, not the pilot). He’s been having some stomach issues, plus a bit of trouble with vision from his meds, plus he didn’t sleep well last night, so he was… slow. Really slow up Kings. 36 minutes slow. When Kevin has a bad day, he wears it on his sleeves. Me, I try to thrash my way through, no matter what. No Kevin. We did meet up with the other Kevin just up from the base of Kings. Cold? Oh yeah, it was cold at the bottom. These past two weeks have seen temps drop from low 50s to upper 30s, and you can really feel the difference. Fortunately it did warm up quickly, all the way up to the low 50s, up on top. Smoke? Variable. There were times when it was absolutely gorgeous up there! And others where we’d hit a pocket of pretty dense smoke. I’ll bet it was magnificent on West Old LaHonda, but, we didn’t get there. Kevin stopped at the Sky Londa restroom to deal with his bad peach issue (when you gotta go, you gotta go) and we simply ran out of time to do the usual bonus loop. Hate it when that happens.