All posts by Mike

The return of Marcus

That’s the closest I came to Kevin & Marcus on Kings this morning. They pulled away at the very start, and were not seen again until the very top.
For some time the “regulars” have been missing in action, until last Thursday we saw George, and then, this morning, Marcus. Which meant, finally, Kevin could be challenged on the climb, as I quickly waved him on, telling him to go have some fun.

It was a bit cooler than the past few rides, dropping down to 40, and yeah, there’s no question that has an affect on my breathing. I just went as steady as I could, with this ridiculous hope I could get 30-something, but ended up just a bit over 31. Kevin got up there 5 minutes earlier, with Marcus a minute or so behind. This was Kevin’s first relatively-fast time up Kings in ages, but still a good two minutes off a really good time for him. Time for me to get out the tow rope!

The road crews still have work to do; we were delayed several minutes on West Old LaHonda by debris clearning operations, followed by the long-running construction on Skyline between Old LaHonda and 84. New is the extensive reconstruction going on towards the bottom of 84, but fortunately this one looks to be moving along very rapidly.

Thursday will apparently be the last really nice riding weather for a few days as a new storm is supposed to move in. Friday will get interesting; supposedly half an inch during the day, followed by 1-2 inches at night. Lingering showers Saturday morning and then… nice weather for Sunday!

Yes, we rode Sunday… even got a selfie! (See below)

One of my few selfies; that’s me, over on the left. 🙂
A bit late to the party here; sorry about that. It’s been a pretty wild ride the last few days, with our TrekFest sale being very successful Friday, Saturday and today (Monday), keeping me on my toes without much time to take care of the basics.

But of course, it’s not a question of whether there’s enough time to ride. You just do. It wasn’t a long ride; Kevin was having some issues with his hand, so we did West Alpine again, stopping on the way up to try and get some photos of circling vultures (that were flying just out of reach, but at least gave us an excuse for claiming we would have climbed pretty well if not for the stop).