All posts by Mike

What happened to Spring? Oh, right, it is February…

Various post-ride screens from my Garmin that appear to indicate my riding is “Unproductive.” Seriously?
A bit of a rude awakening today, seeing temperatures in the mid-40s to mid-50s after a week of low 70s. Got rather spoiled! Still, it was surprisingly sunny and almost warm-feeling just as we left, causing Kevin to question my thinking that we needed leg warmers and long-fingered gloves. He was very, very glad that I stuck to my guns.

I told Kevin it was going to be an easy ride, and it certainly was. 25 something up Old LaHonda and I wasn’t feeling like I could have gone much faster. I felt a bit better on Haskins, but just barely. The lower temps were definitely part of it, plus I’m still getting back to the normal routine after missing some time a couple weeks ago when in Cambodia (yes, I rode, but it was time in the saddle at very low speed), the abbreviated ride last Sunday for reasons I don’t recall right now, and the shortened ride Tuesday morning when I had my bone marrow biopsy.

No cookies???!!!
Pescadero… no cookies. Seriously, no cookies in the cookie case. What’s with that? And, despite not too many cars on the road, the line for sandwiches was so long we didn’t even bother. Maybe the lack of proper food caused a knee issue to crop up for Kevin? He wasn’t feeling great on the second Stage Road climb so we ditched Tunitas in favor of 84. Interestingly, it was a nice run up 84, a routing I generally don’t enjoy. Slight tailwind and no pressure for speed.

It did stay cold though; it’s been a while since we’ve seen mid-40s in the middle of the day. But again, this is February after all!

Good news from Tuesday’s Bone Marrow Biopsy

The warning labels on the stuff I take don’t exactly reduce anxiety! How bad off must one be to need something this scary? The reality is that it’s pretty benign stuff.

Reading the warning label on the medicine I take, is it any wonder someone gets a bit apprehensive about having Essential Thrombocythemia? But there’s some really good news.

I had my first bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday, something I wasn’t looking forward to not just for the procedure itself, but also what it might tell me. In a nutshell, those of us with bone marrow cancers essentially have a fuse, and what we don’t know, without a bone marrow biopsy, is if that fuse has been lit, and if it has, how long it might burn. Kind of scary stuff.

The procedure isn’t fun, trying to punch a needle through bone to extract material from the inside. But I got through it and actually rode my bike back to the shop and kept working the rest of the day. And then, Friday, I got an email saying I had a message from my doctor. Wow, wasn’t expecting anything for at least another week. So I go to Kaiser’s website without any of the fear I expected (I’d already intellectualized/rationalized just about all possibilities) and get some really good news. Everything is “normal” except for the minor changes associated with my condition. There is no evidence of progression to something much worse.

I’ve still got some annoying symptoms that will be with me forever; itching (controlled with Allegra), a bit lower energy levels, and a strange sort of dull pain that comes from the inside of my hip bones. But my platelets (which my disease messes with) are under control so I’m basically risk-free and without restrictions. Like I said, very good news.

The specifics, from the doctor’s email-

– There is no Myelofibrosis.
– Reticulin (ranges from 1-3) level at 0-1 (which is very minimal if any, and not unexpected in this condition).