All posts by Mike

Wife’s health takes a turn for the worse

I’ve been riding but not writing much, and it’s not because I’m having a great time doing all sorts of fun things/too busy to write. Last Friday, we got word that my wife’s breast cancer had returned, for a 4th time. We had a feeling we weren’t done with this battle; family history is terrible, with her Mom and two sisters dying from breast cancer (the last one just two weeks ago!). For Karen it’s been more of a process than anything else; Karen seemed able to take it on each time it came at her and win each battle.

The news Friday was pretty devastating. You don’t want to hear the words “Stage 4/metatastic”, & “triple negative.” The cancer is no longer confined but is now running loose. It was discovered by a routine scan, a check to make sure nothing was amiss after her last surgery back in 2016. They found a small spot on one of the lungs, small enough they gave us the option of waiting a couple months and seeing if it actually grew, or doing a biopsy (which would be difficult due to its relatively small size). And we’re thinking, we didn’t get this far by waiting and doing nothing!

We’re waiting for the details of pathology report, the all-important genetic testing that looks for all sorts of little details that help determine severity and the best course of action. The idea that there’s no cure, that whatever we do we’re just buying time, is tough. It becomes a short term life goal of learning how to buy the most time you possibly can.

Two and a half years ago, here’s what Karen’s sister Jen, the one who died just two weeks ago, wrote in an email to friends & family. It feels like there should be a disclaimer put before it, like you have in those ads for financial companies that tell you “past performance is not an indicator of future results.” But it feels, right now, like a mixture of hope and realism, the best and the worst, somehow not feeling like there’s a contradiction between them.

Hi family and friends,

I’m thinking this might be the best way to let you all know how I’m doing every few months. The updates will conveniently align with my latest doctor visits 🙂

I went in yesterday February 4th 2022.

I found out my cancer returned in 2020.It has metastasized all over my body. They say I have 2 – 5 years to live. (but that’s the conservative doctor’s official statement to say) But I asked if I could live for 10 years. And he said, ummmm…maybe! I said how about 20 years. He gave me a flat out, “No”.
But there are always new cancer drugs coming on the market. The nurse said they might have some new cool ones to try in 5 years.

Overall, my health is fantastic! Yay! So, no immediate worries for a long time.
My doctor said, conservatively, I will be around at least or another year. I know that sounds awful, but for me it means I don’t have to worry for an entire year! I’m excited about that!

Jen’s doctors were, it seems, prophetic. She lived about 2.5 years from her diagnosis, and all but the final two months she was in pretty good shape. I’m hoping, Karen’s hoping, that those “cool new” drugs coming down the road are going to be there for Karen, that in 2.5 years they’ve made a lot of progress. That the time we’re going to go out of our way to “buy” is going to allow us to buy even more time. We’re shooting for that 10 year mark. Karen’s pushing it even further; she wants 10 years + 4 days, so it begins and ends on our wedding anniversary. I’m down with that. And I recognize that we’ll be greedy and think that’s not enough, we want more, as we close in on that mark.

But for now, I’m having a really tough time thinking there could be a day when I wake up in the middle of the night to go pee and she’s not next to me, opening her eyes and getting up after me to use the bathroom as well. Kind of a funny thing, the way you sync after so many years. Earlier in marriage she’d complain about me waking her up or snoring. Now, 43 years later, or is it 44, things have changed and hearing her snore, or if I get woken up because she’s moving around, it’s comforting. I easily go back to sleep. Things are so much better today. How can that be taken away?

Lots of crying, lots of praying, lots of trying to make sense of it. While at the same time I have to keep my concentration on finding out as much as I can about Karen’s particular cancer, the best treatments, and how to get them. I have to buy time. Time to spend with the woman I can’t imagine not going to bed with, waking up next to, taking vacations with, cleaning the kitchen, watching dumb Netflix series with, and being intimate with.

I’m not giving up on that. We’ll know more next Tuesday, when we have our first video appointment with Karen’s Kaiser oncologist, the day after her PET scan. Tomorrow will be a brain scan. Yesterday I started the process of setting up a consultation with a Stanford Doctor, Melinda Telli, who is the world expert on triple-negative breast cancers and also studies hereditary issues. A match made in heaven, hopefully to selfishly keep Karen on earth a few years longer. Somehow I have to stay strong and remain analytical and perceptive and curious through all of this. It’s going to be tough.

I left nothing on the table. If Strava suggested I’d given less than 100%, I’d want a refund!

It’s been a full week since I’ve had a real ride; Tuesday I felt bad enough (in the middle of this cold or whatever it was that wasn’t Covid) that I took out Kevin’s ebike, and Thursday I got all dressed up and down to the garage in time to ride, but decided it wouldn’t be much fun, hacking my way up the hill. The hacking fortunately began to subside and by Saturday it was feeling I could actually ride a bike again. Actually, I was still commuting to work by bike, partly just to prove I could, partly because I needed a reference point for how I was feeling.

This morning got off to a good start by watching the cycling World Road Race championship, which conveniently ended just prior to when Kevin and I needed to meet up with the other Kevin (ex pilot) in Woodside.

No chance of anything epic, just over the hill via Old LaHonda amd back Tunitas Creek. The two Kevins quickly ditched me on Old LaHonda, ex-pilot Kevin showing form I haven’t seen from him in some time. They also caught a break at the Old LaHonda traffic signal, catching it green, while I got it just as it had turned red, so had to wait a few minutes.

It was handy having ex-pilot along; he pulled pretty much the entire way to the coast. For that we took care of his request for sparkling mineral water at the San Gregorio General Store, where the only choice was a brand from… Mexico? But he said it was good, and any concern about extra bathroom breaks was unfounded.

On Tunitas, we had a favorable breeze and near-perfect temps for climbing, which younger Kevin took advantage of. I let him know that we hit the Bike Hut on schedule for early entry into the forest, so he went to the front and drilled it. Ex-pilot came unglued around Los Lobitos Cut-off; I lasted about half a mile longer. Told Kevin it was time to say good-bye so he could fly up the hill. And fly he did, in the end getting a new PR, beating one from a number of years ago I think. And me? Ex-pilot passed me on the climb and steadily pulled away, but apparently, on the upper less-steep section, I was closing in on him and finished less than 30 seconds behind. For me, best time in almost exactly a year, and given how I’d been feeling previously, this felt great.