All posts by Mike

Maybe it works for Froome, but not for me

Kevin riding through the debris field on West Alpine left by yesterday’s heavy winds.

Plan subject to change without notice. The plan was to get up early enough that Kevin and I could get in our usual Pescadero/Tunitas ride in, and make it back in time to get to the shop by 2pm, to add some muscle to staffing on one of those rare Sundays we’re open. And we probably would have stuck to the plan were it not for the cold weather really getting the best of me today, giving me an indication that the meds I’m on are reducing my tolerance to cold temps. In other words, my lungs were working even-worse than usual. How much worse? 26 minutes to get up Old LaHonda, and there wasn’t that feeling that things were getting a lot better descending the other side.

We had 4 options. #1, The planned ride. #2: Go through Pescadero but return via 84 instead of Tunitas. #3: Head straight to the coast via 84 then return on Tunitas. #4: Head up West Alpine and return via Skyline. Option 4 won out; it had been some time since we’d ridden up West Alpine, and it’s one of Kevin’s favorite climbs. It was nice heading up without pressure (not worrying about getting a decent time), and the views, due to the wind, were fantastic.

Skyline was a breeze. No, I mean really, a breeze. A really strong breeze. Pretty heavy crosswinds, but nothing, I’m sure, like yesterday would have been.

In the end a pretty short ride, just 41 miles, but it wasn’t one of those days where I felt like I could have kept on going. Hopefully those days will come again soon, after I adjust to the cooler weather. I’m just not seeing the positive effects of albuterol that they claim Chris Froome does.

That tree’s going to be gone long before I am!

I should take a look at my earliest photos of this tree; I’ve been riding past it every Tuesday & Thursday morning for more than 20 years, and somewhere I’ve probably got a picture showing it looking like it had a future. Lately, it’s more a question of how long before its last branches rot and fall to the ground.

Definitely not an analogy for me; no question I’m going to be outlasting what’s left of that old oak! Not that Kevin, Kevin and I rode with any sort of speed at all last Thursday. Seems like it’s taking a very long time for us to get warmed up as the weather cools down.

6,598 miles. Time to give up on the goal of 7000 for the year; have to work way too many hours at the shop these next couple of weeks, with Christmas coming up. Although, averaging 31 miles/day doesn’t seem like THAT hard a thing to do! There’s always next year.