All posts by Mike

Memorial ride for fallen cyclist on Canada Road

It was pretty amazing, really, the support the cycling community showed for Leser Lagarda, killed Monday while cycling northbound on Canada Road at 5pm. We met at Woodside Town Hall, and surprisingly, had a full police escort, including traffic control at all intersections.

It was overcast, cool, but the atmosphere was warm and comfortable. This was bringing people together, and hopefully we’ll see the start of some serious changes to make cycling safer on the Peninsula.

Strange morning; I felt better than Kevin?

Just below park entrance on Kings Mtn.
I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel this morning; it’s been several weeks since I’ve felt anything close to OK, much less good, on Kings. Perhaps working in my favor was that Kevin thought he was coming down with a cold, so he took it pretty easy heading out to the start of the ride, something I’ve asked for before but he’s failed to deliver. My thinking being, maybe if I don’t have such a fast cold start, I might do a bit better.

I think it worked, not starting out so hard. I still died on the steep pitch through the park, still got to watch Kevin ride away from me up to the park entrance on Kings, but I was gradually keeping up, and within a short while I was actually developing a little bit of power and he was getting dropped. So for the rest of the climb I’d find opportunities to test my legs a bit, then ease off for him to catch up. Like in the old days!

Even saw peak power in the 700 & 800 watt regions. I’m thinking about how long ago it was when we stopped actively sprinting on the ride, and if that might be something we should look at doing again.