All posts by Mike

My booster shot earlier in the week gave no boost

There’s been a lot going on. You wouldn’t know it from the almost-daily diary, since there haven’t been many entries lately. Lots of decisions at the shop, figuring out what to do when bikes finally do start arriving, during the winter, when sales will slow down and our situation will reverse from having empty racks with tons of customers to figuring out where to put all the bikes that Trek will finally be sending us. Because you just know we’ll get tons of them when we don’t need them, and they’ll be different models than people are looking for, and in the wrong sizes. Just how it works, right?

But we’ll make it work, unlike my legs and lungs which really haven’t made the transition to slightly colder weather. Tuesday morning I have to motivate myself to ride likely solo, as Kevin and his sister are goofing off in Disneyland for a few days, a well-deserved time away from the craziness of the shop. And me, at the end of the month I head with Karen (my wife) to Greece, where we’ll be doing a Greek Island Cruise on Norwegian Cruise Lines. Something I swore I’d never do, even though it’s been on her bucket list. I’ve always regarded cruise ships as virus factories, designed to spread nasty things like norovirus. So how ironic that it takes Covid-19 to get me on a cruise ship. My thinking is that they’re going overboard (bad thing to say about a ship?) keeping things clean, requiring masks, new air filtration systems and everyone, passengers and crew, has to be fully vaccinated. With all that, it would seem this is probably the best time for a cruise. Hope I’m right! Not all cruises are alike; MSC, sailing out of the UK, didn’t have vaccination requirements, didn’t enforce masks, and what do you know, they had a severe Covid outbreak on one of their ships and two deaths.

Today’s ride? Not the usual. Just ride over Old LaHonda and out 84 to the coast, then back Tunitas Creek. Pretty short, 43 miles or so (kinda crazy how close the ocean actually is). Very nice day; started out with leg warmers that came off at the base of Old LaHonda and never went back on. Solo trip, got passed by more people than I passed. Hate that, but better get used to it as it’s going to happen with increasing frequency as I get older.

And about that getting older thing. It’s great that I don’t look that old, but if I did, then at least others would be more impressed with my climbing right? Cuz nobody’s actually older than me (65) out there, right? Those guys who look 75… they’re not really that old, right?

Big waves on last really warm day of the year?

Tough to say how many more days like this; temps between 75-85 for the most part, light winds and I definitely do better when it’s a bit on the warm side compared to cold. Still, Kevin and I took it fairly easy today, as Kevin continues to deal with a mild digestive issue that brings up memories of LeMond’s “bad peach” story.

While we didn’t get out on our bikes until after 10am, the day started much earlier, as we got up around 7am to watch the last hour or so of Paris Roubaix. Quite a bit different weather than here! I’m actually watching the condensed coverage of the full race right now; what a crash-fest.

But no crashes for us (thank goodness); nothing very eventful at all, just hoping to get a few miles in and hopefully start to feel normal again soon.

Ah, the waves. First noticed them on Stage Road, looking out at the coast and seeing big rolling waves that extended way out to sea. In the photo we’re descending towards Tunitas, and you can see them on the far left. Get the feeling there are big changes in the weather heading our way.