All posts by Mike

I don’t know what’s going on. Where are the photos, for starters?

Weird past couple weeks. For both Tuesday & Thursday-morning’s ride, my video camera, a GoPro Hero9, has acted like it’s been recording, but there is no evidence on the video card that was. No files. You’d think after this happened Tuesday I would have tested it, tried something at home and see what was working and what wasn’t, but perhaps I was still reeling from my utter failure on Sunday and wasn’t of sound mind.

Tuesday’s ride was, fortunately, much better than Sunday’s. And surprisingly, Thursday’s ride was better yet. It didn’t feel that way at the start; Kevin and Colin had me on the ropes towards the end of the section through the park. I really didn’t think I’d see my usual comeback on the middle section. But, just like Tuesday’s ride, and so many before that, the usual happened again. I don’t know why. But once you get past the park and the grade reduces just a little bit, it feels like I have a chance to recover. But, why just me? By the time I got to the wide open section, I had to circle around a bit, waiting for Kevin and Colin to catch up. This is sometimes risky; it’s possible that I never get my speed (if you can call it that) back after waiting for them, while they’re still under full steam and In end up getting dropped. Dropped, after waiting for them. But that didn’t happen Thursday; I had good-enough legs I could do whatever I wanted (within limits) and distanced them again.

And then… they disappeared from view, with just half a mile, maybe less, to go. I slowed way down, kept waiting… but they never came into view. Finally turned around and found the reason. As seemed likely, Kevin was having a seizure. He recovered and had no further issues, but the rest of the ride it remained the case that I could still ride strongly, could still put Kevin and Colin behind me if I wished. Such a remarkable difference from Sunday!

It’s been a while!

I was doing a really good job keeping up with things in France, but once back, things kind of slid. So just a little recent catching up here. Sunday… not a good day for me! The plan was the usual Pescadero/Tunitas loop, but I felt so bad going up Old LaHonda it was quickly clear “the plan” was in need of alteration. For reasons unknown I was sweating so much on that first climb that Kevin said the back of my jersey was white. Of course he didn’t see it until quite a few minutes after he finished the climb. So we bypassed Pescadero and headed straight out to San Gregorio, allowing me to draft off Kevin pretty much the entire way, and even drafting it was still tough to hang on. But I made it, stopped at San Gregorio for a coke and poor imitation of a large cookie, and then climbed Tunitas at a leisurely pace.

Tuesday. I was not looking forward to what might await me; I assumed it wouldn’t be anything good. When I got up, it didn’t feel like it was going to be anything good. Starting up Kings, it felt like maybe I’d turn around at the park even! But somehow I climbed OK, keeping ahead of Kevin & Colin, without feeling like that was something I could do. I was really surprised, to say the least. Maybe whatever got to me on Sunday is out of my system, although I never felt ill, just not very strong.

The ribs? They’re doing fine, mostly. I discovered while test-riding a bike today that an upright position (as found on commute bikes with flat bars) is not good for me. Lots and lots of pain! Weird thing, how these ribs do and don’t work. Guess I’m just made for a road bike.