All posts by Mike

Trying hard for a normal day

Everyone has their favorite food truck. This is ours. I’m sure it’s save many cyclists from a terrible fate.

Before anything else I should point out how amazing it is that Kevin and I can be here, despite all the weird issues. If it wasn’t for Steve and Becky and Lexi and Karen plus everyone else on our staff who doesn’t share the same last name, including Bruno and Chris, two alumnus helping out, we couldn’t be here. OK, I should name the rest… Roger, Christopher, Jose, Rolando, Simon, River, Sonia & Don. But the shop goes on. Now if only Lufthansa handled luggage as efficiently as well as they are…

No word yet on when we’ll get the missing luggage that Lufthansa misplaced, but found, and now has to deliver. In that luggage were all the chargers for the camera batteries (not a huge deal since I’d fully charged all the batteries prior to leaving, and the batteries were kept with the cameras, which stayed with us the entire time as cabin luggage). But what was a big deal is that I screwed up and left the Garmins in that piece of luggage as well. What was I thinking? I *always* put the Gamins in the camera bag.

Why are the Garmin bike computers so important? Because they provide all the detailed ride information. Where to turn, how to get somewhere if you went the wrong way, and detailed maps that work when there’s no cell signal around. It’s really tough doing a convoluted route using just your phone when the cell service in the areas you need help… doesn’t usually exit.

Also in that bag were all of our lights, so the first TdF intercept, which should have happened on Sunday, had to be scrapped. Why? Because the only return train from the pretty far-away stage would arrive in Tarbe at 10:15 at night. Tarbe is 12 miles short of Lourdes, so we were going to have to do a night ride the rest of the way. No lights, no ride.

Instead we did a ride that didn’t require much in the way of navigation, since Kevin and I know a *lot* of the way around these parts, heading up towards, but not quite reaching, Troumouse. We did record it on Strava, so at least we got credit for the ride. We also stopped at a few places along the way to pick up some lights, a pair of bib shorts (Oh, I forgot to mention that all my cycling clothing is in that suitcase too!) and some gloves.

It ended up being a pretty nice but more-challenging ride than expected due to heat. Which is a good thing, because heat is something we need to get used to. We’ve got a massive ride coming up on Wednesday and need to be prepared for it.

Speaking of prepared, at least today we’re finally enjoying the food! Baguettes, pastries, tons of Orangina, Cokes at strategic locations.

It’s all about the food. Or the Coke or Orangina at the top of a climb. When people say they come to France for the food, we agree! But it might be a different France food experience than theirs!

Our first encounter with the ‘Tour will be on Tuesday, a relatively easy 20 miles from a train station to the top of a col, only 4,000 ft or so of climbing. Tomorrow (Monday) will be a new road for us, the Col de Spandelles. Supposed to be a beautiful, little-used climb not too far from Lourdes. Just 50 miles but pretty high quality miles.

Did I mention it’s all about the food? This time a Coke and a Baguette, basically bread with ham & cheese & butter. So simple. So good.
The bike path that leads out the valley from Lourdes to all the great climbs. You do begin to get a bit tired of it after so many rides though. Always a headwind going out in the morning, always a headwind coming back in the afternoon. That might be the problem!
So many choices, all of them beautiful roads! If you like to climb.

Still in an airport, but finally in France

Technically we arrived in France yesterday, 4 hours late, but missed our connections to Lourdes and had to reconfigure the final leg of the trip from top to bottom. What was supposed to be an easy transfer from the airport in Paris to the train to Lourdes ended up a traveler’s nightmare with the missed train connection and no other trains available FOR DAYS. Literally. So we spent the night at the Ibis Styles at the airport after I found a round-a-bout way to Lourdes that involved a Paris-Frankfurt-Toulouse set of flights, plus a train from Toulouse to Lourdes.

Local transportation isn’t an issue, but anything cross-country is a total mess right now. France is emerging from total Covid-19 lockdown and doesn’t yet have the infrastructure in place to handle the travel backlog. It’s not as if everything is jammed with people, but you can tell that people want to get moving faster than anyone thought would happen.

Today at the airport, waiting for our first leg to Frankfurt, is the first it’s kind of felt like we’re in France. First time we’ve had a decent French pastry; that’s probably the real difference. First time Kevin’s got to interact with locals (we took all the pastries a group of middle-aged French women behind us wanted… how could we know their tastes were the same as ours?). Smiles and desoles all around.

The airport. What a mess checking in! HUGE lines at check in, angry people at time, but while the check-in person said my son wasn’t Star Gold (a level of airline status) so he’d have to pay for one of his bags, which I really didn’t have an issue doing but she seemed to think I would, in the end there was no charge because things just weren’t going right for her. Printing issues with the machine that does the bag labels and prints tickets.

We’re going to hit the ground running, hard. No chance for a trial ride; we usually start these trips with a 50 miles shakedown ride up some local mountains, but we arrive in Lourdes at 9:30pm tonight, and catch a train to a far-away stage tomorrow morning 8am. Not much time to settle in! I’d consider skipping that first stage and doing a local ride instead, but that’s not why Kevin’s here; it’s all about le Tour! So le Tour it shall be.