All posts by Mike

As long as you can pass an ebike…

It was a nice morning, a little bit warmer, and someone had put a mechanical rabbit up ahead of me on Kings. I mean geez, it was hard enough just trying to keep up with Kevin & Karen, and then we spot an older guy up ahead (how long do I get to keep referring to someone as an “older guy”?) on an ebike. Thankfully not a brand we sell; had it been a Trek with a Bosch or Fazua assist, no way could I have caught up and passed it. Keven and Karen… they were doing fine, no problem. Me? Just over halfway up and I was about cooked.

Which meant… can I pass it and stay ahead of it? So up ahead I’m watching Kevin and Karen gradually pulling ahead, which is making me think… am I going to stay ahead of the guy on the ebike behind? Thankfully, yes.

And for some reason I think I can handle doing the Santa Cruz loop on Sunday? 113 miles, 8,000ft of climbing. Can’t be that tough then, since it’s under 1,000ft of climb per 10 miles. But it’s been about two years. What’s mile 70 going to feel like? Is the section of highway 9 from Santa Cruz to Boulder Creek as bad as I remember? Will I be able to make it from Boulder Creek up 9, north on Skyline and home without a stop for food (because, since Mr. Mustard vacated Saratoga Gap, there isn’t any food the rest of the ride?).

These questions and more answered in just a few days!

Has it really been 4 years?

May 25, 2017. Just realized it’s been 4 years since I was diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia, pending the outcome of the genetic testing. That’s so strange. Somehow I seem stuck on it being two years ago… two years ago, last year, this year. Even more strange to think May 25 is the day my Dad died, many years ago (1988?) for a variant of the same disease I was diagnosed with.

Sometimes it seems like there are too many coincidences in life for things to be… coincidental? As if there is a design to make you more aware of things by creating relevance that would have otherwise been missed if not for the “coincidental” happenstance.