All posts by Mike

Kind of done with pretty pictures of Skyline when it’s cold & wet

Tuesday’s ride was cold & miserable, largely because, well, it was cold & miserable after all, but also because, despite the pretty nasty issue I’m having with a few of my fingers, I hadn’t really dressed warmly enough so Kevin and I skipped the West Old LaHonda section and headed straight back down into Woodside.

This morning I dressed right for it, three layers up top instead of two (base layer, jersey plus jersey/jacket) and felt so much better. My hands lasted most of the ride without issues, finally starting to lose circulation just prior to descending 84 post-West Old LaHonda. Not only that, but the nitroglycerin ointment the doctor prescribed to improve circulation? I used it just on the one really bad finger, and what do you know, at the end of the ride that finger had regular color, while the others went white. The stuff works!

Just myself and Kevin out there this morning; no Karen, no Kevin (ex-pilot). And who could blame them? Wet, again. Cold (down to 38F), again. And descending 84 to West Old LaHonda? Nasty headwind the whole way! I felt terrible at the beginning of the ride, wondering how far I could go, but got stronger as the ride went on, the way things should be. Saw two sets of Turkeys; one in Huddart Park and another on West Old LaHonda.

Was it really last Sunday, or was it the Sunday before, that I didn’t need either base layer or leg warmers? Hard to believe. Seems like this has not been a very pleasant April, as far as the weather goes.

Nicest day in a long time to be on a bike!

I so wished this guy was on an ebike, not a fully-loaded fat-tire tank, because it was not easy overtaking him on Tunitas! He must have been putting out massive watts!

The weather report said it would be 78 today; finally, a ride without leg warmers, without a base layer, and without toe warmers. Just what the doctor ordered, literally. I’m supposed to avoid riding when it’s really cold due to my Raynauds (a circulatory condition that cuts

This is what a chillblain-gone-bad looks like. Yes, it hurts, yes, it’s gross.

blood flow to fingers and toes when cold) getting a bit out of control this year, so much so that I ended up with chillblains that became blisters that became infected open wounds on three fingers. Actually just two that became infected; one resolved by itself. The main effect it had on my ride was from the infection kicking up my white blood cell count enough that I had to go on some serious antibiotics (doxycycline) after the less-serious stuff (Keflex) didn’t do the job.

In the end, I don’t think it affected my riding all that much, especially since it was warm and the infection finally seems to be lessening. Kevin and Colin were with me, along with hundred of other cyclists out enjoying the day. Kevin and Colin got to have a bit of fun on Old LaHonda while I straggled in a minute and a half later; I was honestly surprised to get 24-something, thinking 26 would be more like it. I was having trouble breathing, trouble getting my heart rate to respond (it was initially staying too low, possibly from the antibiotic?) and just not feeling wonderful. But I got there.

Today’s ride was the usual Sunday route; Old LaHonda, Haskins, Pescadero, Tunitas. Passing by the Duck Pond in LaHonda there were just as many turtles as last week. A lot! Plus an unidentified black bird that looked like a small crane.

Haskins. It’s been a couple months since I’ve “owned” Haskins, and it looks like it will be at least a few weeks more. Kevin and Colin once again rode on ahead, although I managed to claw my way almost back to them by the top.

Pescadero- Not too busy at the bakery so we were able to go for the usual; Kevin and I splitting a chicken club sandwich (which, for the first time, had more than a hint of garlic), a large cookie for Kevin (which have gone way up in price; from $2.75 to $5) and chocolate pastry thing for me (still at the usual $3 price). Plus a coke each, of course. Colin got coffee down the street and a pastry I think? He self-fuels himself for the most part, carrying food with him.

Winds were mild or favorable but leaving Pescadero it got a fair amount colder as the fog moved in. No view of the ocean at all, just fog. Nice tailwind on the lower flanks of Tunitas, not that we’d ever admit to that, but we weren’t going for time. Kevin made that a certain thing with a stop just prior to where the real climb starts, thinking he was having a seizure (but it didn’t go beyond the “aura” stage, so he was quickly back up and running).

I wasn’t sure how I was going to do on Tunitas but it came as quite a surprise when Kevin hit the afterburners and literally flew away from me. I’ve actually got it on video and it’s quite impressive. I wasn’t going slow at the time; he was going FAST. He did get his best time ever for what Strava calls the “steep” section but missed the all-important “Hammer of Thor” PR because he imploded before it finished. Yeah, well, his version of an implosion is still a minute faster than my Strava best. I wondered it I’d see him before the end of Tunitas but saw him much sooner than expected, after the climb leveled out, because he had a real seizure and had to lie down for a few minutes until it passed.

Overall I’m pretty happy with the ride; my average weighted power was up at 201 watts which, for me, is respectable.