All posts by Mike

Tomorrow I discover life as a Strava 65+ age grouper

Those rays on this morning’s ride? That’s a trans-dimensional time compression artifact created by Inca scientists secreted away in a Peruvian cave for the past 30 years. It’s claimed to effectively drop you back up to two age brackets on Strava. Like all trans-dimensional time compressors, it doesn’t work until the surrounding atmosphere is chilled to precisely 33.1 degrees Fahrenheit, the exact conditions Kevin and I encountered this morning.

It will be a few days before I find out if it worked; the initial feeling is one of cold, stiff joints that don’t go away until the weather warms up. But we did get to enjoy another nice day on West Old LaHonda.

Ride cut short as Kevin’s legs were MIA

I though I was the one who’d be in trouble today, due to a really painful left calf that decided to spasm painfully last night and today could hardly be walked on. But fortunately cycling is not at all like walking so, while I was aware of the pain, I could push through it without making it worse.

Kevin, on the other hand, seemed to leave his legs at home. He was doing great until about halfway up Old LaHonda, and then just fell apart. The planned ride to Pescadero wasn’t going to happen. Nor a direct run to the coast and then back Tunitas. The only thing Kevin was up for was his favorite climb, West Alpine.

Favorite or not, it was pretty slow. Just under an hour and I think Kevin’s best-ever is just under 40 minutes. But maybe it’s not so bad that my last Sunday ride as a 55-64 year old isn’t too impressive, leaving more room for improvement next week when I bump up in age to the 65+ group!