All posts by Mike

Descend wet road with just a front brake? Checked that one off the list!

So what was that rattling from the rear wheel? Stopped a couple times to try and figure it out; definitely coming from the disc brake. A bit of extra friction but I need the workout right? And it wasn’t me holding us back on Kings; Kevin’s knee is still an issue.

But we kept on moving on, thankfully dressed reasonably well for a wet cold day (38 degrees on Skyline).

It wasn’t until descending 84 that things went seriously south. Heard (and felt) a loud bang from the rear of my bike, the kind of sound you’d expect if your frame cracked in half. But they wasn’t it. Looking over the bike I discovered the rear brake pads were completely missing. But the pin that holds them in place was still there!

Nothing we could do about it but keep on heading down the hill. You know, a wet descent, one of those occasions where the rules about primarily using the front brake don’t apply because you could lose traction in a corner and lock up the wheel.

But this was my time to prove fear of front brakes is unfounded; we descended 84 probably faster than 80% of our customers, me using just a front brake, on a wet road.

Kids, don’t try this at home. 🙂

Three days on WOLH

Had to happen sometime; our string of amazing weather came to an end. Got a chance to try out the rainbikes in weather that wasn’t too challenging. Just light drizzle and not too cold (upper-40s). REALLY slow slog up Old LaHonda, but nobody else out there to make fun of us. We saw maybe 10 others out on the road though. The original plan hadn’t included a ride up to Skyline, as I was thinking we should put the rain bikes to a milder test first, maybe heading down to Los Altos & back, but Kevin wasn’t having any of that. Too bad; I wanted to see if our old Los Altos location was still empty.

Last Thursday was a beautiful morning, although Kevin still wasn’t on top of his game, this time developing quite a nose bleed on Kings. Kevin (former pilot) and Karen showed up too! 4 is a big group for wintertime; most head out later when it’s a bit warmer.

Tuesday’s ride was just the two of us (myself and younger Kevin). Just another nice, and still slow, day on a bike.