All posts by Mike

Kevin’s coming back

Is this tree, which has been steadily dying over the past 30 years we’ve ridden past, a sign of things to come? I’ve got to see if I can find some early pictures.
After Kevin’s kinda disastrous ride Sunday, where he suffered knee pain and a complete lack of power, I wasn’t overly optimistic about how he’d ride this morning. I even wondered if I should suggest he take out his e-bike. But it was an entirely different version of Kevin that showed up this morning.

Two Kevin’s actually, as the now-retired Kevin (pilot) rode with us. At the beginning of the climb I was able to do my interval thing, ride pretty strongly, then wait up a bit, although I noticed I wasn’t waiting up much, not much at all, because Kevin was trying to stay with me. And the times to the first couple of timing points weren’t all that bad. But I was able to keep it up, riding strongly for a bit, then throttling back for the other two to catch up, until… until we came across a guy riding up Kings on a full-suspension mountain bike, not e-bike, and we were not having an easy time closing the gap. Finally did get past him, and… there was Kevin (not pilot) right on my wheel. And for a little bit, on the wide-open clearing section (1.41 miles to go), I was thinking I was going to blow and Kevin ride past. It took me more time than I wished to regroup, settle in, get my rhythm back and push on again.

But Kevin never fell apart; he continued to ride pretty strongly, and had no issues riding across Skyline or West Old LaHonda either. Looks like things are (finally) getting back to normal.

A very very slow ride

Heavens, we even got passed by a woman with a child carrier, with child, heading up Old LaHonda! As well as a young kid and Dad on separate bikes. The good news? The woman with child carrier was on an ebike. Better yet, one we sell, the Trek Verve 3+, which was showing off its high-torque motor.

No high-torque motor for Kevin today, as his knee was bothering him again. By the time we got to Tunitas he was looking for the tunnel. Somehow he made it, but he probably weighed well over 200 pounds the last time it took him an hour and twenty minutes to climb Tunitas.