All posts by Mike

When did Summer end and Winter start? Think it was today…

Really nice clouds today, and Kevin’s still smiling while on West Old LaHonda.
The days of not wearing leg warmers are over. How strange that we have all those warnings about dangerous conditions for fires and we end up on Skyline under dark skies and 50 degree temps? Something’s just not quite right with the world. Yeah, still 2020, how many days to go?

Kevin and I left at 10:10, a pretty early start for us. There was a chance we’d be leaving considerably earlier, maybe 8:45, to meet up with the other Kevin (pilot) but he ditched us in favor of swimming. Kevin (not pilot) pulled pretty strongly over Jefferson, Canada and Mtn Home, leading me to wonder if this would be the ride where he “returned” and leaves me in the dust. Not quite yet. He might have overdid himself en route to Old LaHonda, so we rode “casual” at about 26 minutes. Too bad; at 56 degrees it was pretty ideal climbing weather, and I had legs that wanted to go hard.

Passing by the duck pond we saw a very large Crane take flight, two Herons where the turtles used to be, and maybe half as many ducks as usual. Are they already heading south for winter?

West Alpine. What can you say? It was a bit under an hour; Kevin’s knee was OK, but no gas in the tank. Quite beautiful on the way up, with scattered clouds and really blue skies, but towards the top came the ominous-looking clouds and dropping temps. This was the first ride in ages where I suffered a full-blown Raynauds attack (an issue with the circulation in my hands causing my fingers to go white and lose feeling); I’ll be packing long-fingered gloves in the future!

Having fun again, and BTW upper section of Huddart is closed!

It was the best of times, it was the… oh, wait, I think I’ve used that a few times already. So it was just a weird time, the first time we’ve ever started up a climb, had to go back down and attack it from another direction.

Thursday morning (yeah, way behind again) it was Kevin (not pilot), Collin… and me. Kevin (pilot) has been opting for a ride leaving an hour later, a luxury allowed those who have retired. I’m a very very long way from that, so I still need to work rides in around… work.

Since it was Thursday, it was the Huddart Park connection to Kings. It started nicely enough, and I was feeling pretty OK/not bad/better than expected, despite not sleeping well the night before. Sleep doesn’t seem to have much affect on my riding (but riding definitely helps me feel better on days I didn’t get much sleep, which is odd). The lower gate was open, so nothing to slow us down as we began the climb. I was actually keeping ahead of Kevin & Collin too, despite getting pretty heavily gassed on the short steep pitch. The one were I always get heavily gassed and have never figured out if the best way to recover is to take it really easy on the subsequent brief flat section, or just keep rolling along because thinking I can recover, once my breathing is shot, isn’t realistic. Just push as I can, for as long as I can.

And I kept pushing until… until we got to the entrance station, where we were met by what you see in the photos. They’re finally getting around to fixing the road we might nominate for a Paris Roubaix cobble section. Not sure how long the work will be going, but it’s not that big a job so the plan might have been to have things open for the weekend.

So, back down we go, back to the base of Kings, and back up the usual way. It could have felt really bad, but it didn’t. I still felt pretty lively and managed to put in quite a few strong efforts, basically interval training, and then throttle back and wait for Kevin and Collin to catch up. Below is what one of those intervals looked like. Heart rate begins at 147, kicks up to a max of 167. Power goes from 250 or so up to 430 watts at the start, averaging about 350 for the one minute effort.
About 3/4 of the way up we spotted someone up ahead, and what the heck, with a rabbit at hand, I did another interval to catch up. Turned out to be a recent transplant from Boulder Colorado. At the top we told her about our regular ride, how it goes rain or shine, and that winters won’t be quite as bad here as in Boulder.

Overall another ride that’s left me wondering what sort of shape I’m actually in. I feel pretty strong at times, but I’ve not had any really long rides this year, nothing over 72 miles I think? This will likely be the first year I haven’t ridden a century since… 1990 maybe? But my weight is stable and my power seems to be OK. I do wish Kevin’s (not the pilot) knee was doing better so I could get in a trip to Santa Cruz and back (113 miles), but just don’t see that happening, especially with the shop move.
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