All posts by Mike

There’s potential but who knows; haven’t ridden 60+ miles in ages!

Wasn’t sure how this morning would play out; Kevin (younger) ended up not riding due to a stomach issue. If he had ridden, it would have been pretty slow, due to his knee acting up lately. I’d suggested he ride his e-bike, but he wasn’t having anything to do with that. Kevin (pilot) and George did show up though, and for reasons I still can’t quite figure out, I continue to ride strongly up Kings. When I want it, the power is there. I rode pretty strongly with George up to the wide clearing section, and then dropped back to find Kevin (pilot), who was struggling a bit.

The weather has changed a bit; back to “classic” July conditions with the fog burning off just before we got there and down to 45 degrees. Want to stay warm? Just go to the front and ride harder!

Kevin knows that wheel!

How long has it been since Kevin races at Heller Velodrome? A very long time. And back then, that girl ahead of him was like 10 when Kevin was 13 and she knew enough to get behind the big kids wheel.

Now it’s like 15 years later and she’s not 10 anymore. She was out riding with her Dad, Rob Jensen, who was one of the guys who ran the kids track program way back when. We never would have seen them if not for Kevin’s still-messed-up-knee that caused us to abandon a ride into the real hills and stick to the foothills. Not a lot of fun for me but I did get some work in, pulling into the wind for 20+ miles.

Good thing the Tour de France has been postponed because no way could Kevin do a big climb right now.