All posts by Mike

Rain, sun, clouds, rain, rinse, repeat

Saturday’s forecast was rain most of the day, but we ended up with a day of sun. Sunday’s forecast was for a bit of rain in the morning, and the sun, or at least no rain. Think we got the rain Sunday that was supposed to hit Saturday.

It was actually pretty heavy in the morning, and with the forecast still saying it was supposed to stop shortly, we delayed our departure a bit… but why? The rain never stopped. It did slow down a bit as we finally got out, and found ourselves needing to put on and remove the rain jackets a few times.

Skyline was out of the question; looked plain yucky up there, and I didn’t want to fight the increased car traffic due to 84 being closed. But I had to find a way to punish myself, so we rode up Alpine and then Joaquim. Joaquim. Why? You think you’re near the top, as you peer around the corner, but no, it just keeps going.

We looped around the foothills down to Los Altos, the usual coffee and pastry, then set out to return home. Almost got too hot for a while, definitely for the clothing we had on. About 66 degrees! Strange to actually hope for more rain so you could cool off a bit.

Not many others out there. It was actually pretty pleasant!

I’m still hoping I’m slow because it’s cold

I asked Kevin before starting out this morning, is it two months out of the year, or three, where we get to ride without leg warmers and base layers? Some days I’m prone to thinking, y’know, about the time we get back from this ride, would be a good time to start. Quite a bit warmer! Of course that’s relative; it was 36F on the way out, about 40F on the return.

Beginning to see a few others out there again, as people get bored of Zwift and will brake wet roads when it’s not actually raining. About those wet roads. Just one hour of rain last night, around midnight, but because there was no wind, the roads were a mess. And I caused it. How? I cleaned my bike the night before. Sigh.

Kevin was feeling ok, I was not. Big surprise. I got myself to the top of the hill on one of those days were you’re actively thinking about the various places you might turn around. But you don’t, because you can’t, because you know you will feel better, later in the ride. A virtual guarantee. You don’t feel like that’s possible, climbing Kings, but eventually you find yourself capable of something more than the measly 210 watts showing on the computer.

It will get warmer. I will get faster.