Category Archives: Personal stuff

No, Chain Reaction did not “declare ourselves essential” today. But maybe indirectly we kinda sorta did? It’s complicated.

Today, I was referenced by the bicycle industry’s trade publication, BRAIN (Bicycle Retailer & Industry News) as being one of a handful of bicycle businesses that had “declared” itself “essential” and chose to remain open despite regulations that said we should be closed. There was no defiant “declaration” involved; we chose to remain open today (Tuesday, March 17th, the first day of the mandatory shelter-at-home mandate) partly because the wording in the FAQ allowed businesses essential to transportation needs to remain open, and partly because a sudden “hard” close would have placed great hardship on customers picking up bikes they had dropped off for repair or special orders etc. So we opened for business, but let everyone know who called that we could be closing on a moment’s notice. As of 6:35pm, in Santa Clara County, bicycle repair shops have been added to the list of “essential” transportation businesses allowed to stay open. We expect San Mateo County, and others, to follow shortly.

In the meantime, below is my response to the BRAIN article, which can be read here-
Just to be clear, we (Chain Reaction Bicycles) did not “declare” ourselves to be “essential.” What we have done is to ask that we share the same status as others providing support for the transportation infrastructure, specifically auto parts supply stores and auto repair businesses.

Many of us have spent years, decades even, lobbying for cycling infrastructure in our communities to allow the safe and convenient use of bicycles for transportation, not just recreational activities. And it’s happened. Bicycles, especially in dense urban environments, are seeing increased use. Not entirely from the activities of advocates but also organically, as increased congestion has made car use increasingly difficult.

And in this crisis, there is simply no safer, less-likely-to-encounter-COVID19 means of travel, than by bike. You’re not sharing recirculated air with anyone else. By nature it’s difficult to be closer than 6ft from someone. It doesn’t require refueling using metal & plastic nozzles and touch points that are known to carry the virus for multiple days.

But in the end, I’m tasked with the question I apply to as many choices as I can. Which decision I make will make the world a tiny bit better place, and which might make it a tiny bit worse?

When I think about those in our local community who depend upon us for things as simple as a flat tire or as complicated as changing out the gears to make the bike more practical for a rider’s level of fitness, when I think about the increasing number of my customers who have to ride a bike because they can’t afford any other way to travel, when I think about my employees who see the bicycle as a solution to so many different problems… that seems like we’re doing our part to make the world a better place by staying open and helping those people.

The argument for being closed? What makes my business more special than so many that are forced closed? What if, despite our best efforts, we become part of the problem because we can’t screen who comes through the door, we can’t clean as fast as one person, then another, might touch something? What if I can’t separate my own desire to feel relevant (after 40 years, who could?) from the greater need to control the virus?

I have more questions than answers. But I did not feel like I was breaking any new ground, asking for something not intended by the stay-at-home mandate, by seeing the bicycle business as a parallel to the automotive business, in terms of serving transportation needs. We (many of us in the cycling industry) have been pounding home the point of bicycles as transportation for ages, as I previously pointed out. So part of this is that very strange feeling that hey, we’ve arrived, we are part of the solution, why are we being seen as part of the problem.

One thing is certain; no matter what choice is made, it will be easy for some to see it as the wrong choice. We have found yet another way to polarize people. Missing is that feeling that everyone is sacrificing together for the greater good. It doesn’t feel like you can get there from here.
Mike Jacoubowsky, Partner, Chain Reaction Bicycles

Riding away from FRUNOBULAX

Frank Zappa was ahead of his time. WAY ahead of his time. Sure, he did a few dumb things like name one of his kids “Moon Unit.” But he had a sense of the political and the absurd, and once wrote the song “Cheepnis”, an homage to the great sci-fi “B” monster flicks of the time.

The suits & the hats & the tie’s too wide
And too short for the scientist man
The chemistry lady with the roll-away mind, yeah
While the monster just ate Japan

Ladies and gentlemen,
The monster, Which the peasants in this area call FRUNOBULAX
(Apparently a very large poodle dog)
Has just been seen approaching The Power Plant
Bullets can’t stop it
Rockets can’t stop it
We may have to use NUCLEAR FORCE!

The National Guard has formed up at the base of the mountain
And is attempting to lure the enormous poodle towards the cave
Where they hope to destroy it with napalm

C’mon! Everybody! Hurry! Let’s go!
Somebody get the distilled water! Get the canned goods!
Get the toilet paper! You know we need it!

This is hitting a bit too close to home for comfort. I still don’t know what to make of the new Corona Virus. How many of us in our 60s remember the measles or chicken-pox “parties” when we were kids, where our parents would try and intentionally expose us to them so we could get them over with while young and when they were safer? I was wondering why I’ve thought maybe we should all try and get this nasty thing and get it over with… maybe that’s where such thoughts come from.

We know that the new Corona Virus kills people. We still don’t have a great handle on how many, because we don’t know how many cases are out there that either we don’t know about or have been diagnosed incorrectly. When the true number is likely much higher than the measured number, it can greatly magnify the stated risk of death and serious complications. An example- if you have 100 people diagnosed with the virus, and 2 deaths, you have a 2% fatality rate. But if you are under-reporting the number who actually have it, let’s say it’s actually 400, then your fatality rate is .5%. Hugely different.

So today’s ride, this morning’s ride up Kings, through the Park, that was my escape from FRUNOBULAX. It may be short term; this thing seems like it’s catching up to everybody eventually. In the meantime we’re closing borders and shutting down concerts and Disneyland even.

I’m going to keep trying to out-ride it. It’s the only thing I can do.