Category Archives: Ride reports (not Tu/Th)

Ride reports for everything *but* the Tuesday-Thursday morning ride

19 days off the bike? Rain wasn’t going to stop me.

Hard to believe my last ride was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Wow. I both looked forward and feared getting onto the bike today, but it really went better than expected. That doesn’t mean faster than expected, If means that I could just keep pedaling without feeling like I couldn’t go any further or wanted to turn back sooner. No soreness, no stiffness, just a bike and roads and not too many other cyclists out there because it was a pretty brief window without rain.

I just did the foothills down to our former store location in Los Altos, then mostly Foothill all the way back. Didn’t loop into the hills because the dark clouds were moving towards me, with rain starting about 7 miles from home. Not bad; I was able to ride at a decent enough level that I wasn’t getting cold. Everything worked.

We’ll see what happens Tuesday on Kings!!!

Better late than never to announce no ride Thanksgiving morning

Well yes, I should have gotten around to this a while ago! Thanksgiving Day I’ll be on a place with my wife heading to Rome (via Frankfurt). Two weeks off the bike! I’m going to be coming back fat & slow, for sure. There’s the slightest possibility I’ll spend a little time in a gym, but it’s not particularly high. In the meantime…
This was pretty cool. Monday night, riding home, I lost my best home-made (by Becky) mask. I didn’t know where, but by the time I got home, it wasn’t around my neck anymore. Kevin and I rode to work after Tuesday morning’s ride, looking for it and, sure enough, there it was, just a couple blocks from the shop. Lying in the street. That mask, one of 6, has been with me pretty much since the beginning of the pandemic, and I’d planned on using the 4 remaining on the trip I’m taking with my wife.
And Tuesday-morning’s ride? Pretty darned slow! Pretty darned cold at the beginning, which doesn’t help me, but gradually warmed up as we climbed Kings. And I gradually felt better.