Category Archives: Ride reports (not Tu/Th)

Ride reports for everything *but* the Tuesday-Thursday morning ride

That was so much harder than it should have been

It feels like Kevin came back from France with a brand new motor, more powerful than ever before. While mine, well, it feels like it should be back in the shop for repair.

We’ve been back from France for… 9 days? About midnight Friday, with my first ride back last Sunday, heading over to LaHonda and back via West Alpine. Alone, because Kevin needed to catch up with his GF after being gone two weeks. And somehow, skipping a ride, Kevin’s riding much stronger than he has in ages, while I’m struggling. It can’t have anything to do with me being 66 and him 29. Thursday morning he flew up Kings, getting his best time ever for the climb through the park. Today he posted a solid 20 minutes up Old LaHonda, while I dragged myself up there 6 minutes later. I was getting worried I’d be able to hang onto his wheel heading out to Pescadero, but it’s pretty hard to shake me on a descent or flat terrain.

No cookies today!
The Pescadero Bakery was fairly crowded but the sandwich line moved fast. But… no cookies!!! Had to settle for a triangular cherry-filled pastry.

No nasty headwinds going north today, just the three nasty climbs on Stage. I almost always have the upper hand on them, but not today; Kevin was feeling good. Good enough that we were already discussing plans for Tunitas, how he wasn’t going to let me slow him down, it was time to see what he could do. Would he really go for it? A definite yes on that; he hit the bottom (flatter) part of Tunitas HARD; I lost his wheel maybe half a mile before the forest starts. Even so, my own time to the start of the forest was pretty darned good, but I was in no condition to keep it up and didn’t do well on the steeper middle section. Unfortunately, I did catch up to Kevin about a mile after Tunitas flattens out; he was recovering from a seizure. Well, there will be other days.

Is this information you really want to know?
I did notice my new Garmin’s “How much do you have left in the tank” feature was warning me that I had nothing left, showing <1 mile as Tunitas progressed. Fortunately it wasn't entirely accurate, or I wouldn't have made it home. I thought it would show me recovering as we descended Kings into Woodside, but no, it was still showing <1 mile as we approached Jefferson, the last hill. Good ride for Kevin, good for me that I rode. There is a difference between the two.

Another France train issue (collect ’em all!) prevents stage viewing

It was a bit of a close call. I had everything set in place for viewing today’s stage (ending in Foix); it was largely a copy of what Kevin and I did in 2012. Take an early (6:28am, ouch!) train from Lourdes to Toulouse, connecting there to a train to Foix, arriving 11am. Ride the course backward to the top of the final climb, watch the stage, and then ride like mad about 40 miles to a train station in Boussen for the trip back to Lourdes. It’s something of a risky plan in that, if anything happens mechanically, or if bad weather hits, you’re not likely to catch the 8:18apm train in Boussen. The fall-back is a train an hour later, that doesn’t quite get all the way to Lourdes, ending in Tarbe. About a 45 minute ride at 11pm, but hey, we got lights, you do what you gotta do.

Late last night, and I mean late, after Kevin’s already gone to sleep, I check the train schedules again. And every single train from Toulouse to Foix… cancelled! Cancelled due to the high temperatures that have been causing issues for all manner of transit (aside from bikes, because of course, we really enjoyed yesterday’s 105 degree temps!).

I briefly considered a pretty long out & back from the Boussens train station, but decided it involved a few too many moving pieces, too many things that had to go right, and the weather forecast was for thunderstorms from 2pm-on. So we ditched seeing the ‘Tour today, and instead did a local loop including the Col du Spandelles, this time in the direction the race will use (we climbed it last year from the other side).

Let me tell you, the Spandelles is a BEAST of a climb! Crazy steep, and it’s featured in Thursday’s final Pyrenees stage, the one that ends on the Hautacam. I have to believe we’re going to see some action on that climb; it’s one of the few in France that is so steep that drafting really isn’t going to be a big factor.

For me, I’ve gone over to the “bring it on” club. I am riding so much better than last week; every single day has seen an improvement. In retrospect, it was a mistake to start out with the Chamrousse near Grenoble. I wanted to hit the ground running, especially after the late arrive in France (getting to our apartment at 11:15pm instead of 3pm was less than idea), but it really was too much, too soon. Also, that was my last ride not using an albuterol inhaler. I think it’s pretty clear now that I do ride better using it, than not.

Tomorrow we see our first Pyrenees stage, completely by bike, no trains. Riding an out & back from Lourdes to the top of the Ancizan, a climb that parallels the Aspin. The weather has cooled down so it should be a pretty good day on a bike. The next day (Thursday) we ride to Hautacam, a very short distance in miles (16 each way) but a pretty stiff climb. The Friday morning we take a train (yikes!) to Toulouse, flying back home, hopefully uneventfully!