Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

If you happen to drive by our Redwood City store tonight…

For just one night, Santa's Sleigh is being pulled by four bikes we're donating to the Redwood City Toy Drive
For just one night, Santa’s Sleigh is being pulled by four bikes we’re donating to the Redwood City Toy Drive

Becky had done a great job coordinating a Christmas window display in our Redwood City store, working with Nate & Chris & Mike to construct a sleigh being pulled by bikes. Over the past couple weeks the bikes changed models & colors as they were sold and new ones built. But tonight’s display is special, because these four bikes are being donated to the Redwood City Police Toy Drive in the morning. It seemed fitting they should have a night pulling the sleigh, all by themselves. This was one of those things I didn’t even think about until an hour after I got home, and Becky was working out the details for getting the bikes to the Toy Drive. It just had to be. So at 9:30pm we drove back down to the shop and spent an hour setting up the window with the chosen bikes and taking photos.

It was a special moment. It still is, as I type this. Kids bikes are as special as they come. More so than a $9000 Project One road bike with all the trimmings. Kids don’t over-analyze a bike any more than you or I over-analyze a doughnut. They know a good thing when they see one!

To answer the obvious question, yes, Becky’s staying in the sleigh all night. Just kidding!!! But the picture will live forever. Maybe we’ll print it up and include it with each bike. –Mike–

It’s not about Sales & Shopping. It’s Time to Ride.


(This is taken from an email I just sent out to our customers, but since everyone’s not on our email list, I include it here as well. –Mike–)

You can be one with the Borg, driving around crowded malls, looking for parking spaces, or searching for hours on-line trying to find out if this-or-that is the best thing to buy. I know. I’ve done it myself. And I’ve spent hours trying to figure out what to send in an email so people will come in to Chain Reaction to buy their bikes and accessories.

Some of us spend too much time buying too many things and not nearly enough time making use of them. There are a number of things like that in my life. But not my bike. When I get out on my bike, everything is right with the world. Even last weekend, when it was so darned cold. My son and I rode out to the coast and sure, it was 29 degrees up on Skyline, but on our way to Tunitas Creek, heading through San Gregorio in the photo above, it was a balmy 50. It was a wonderful ride from start to finish, even the cold parts. Can you look at that photo and think you’d rather be shopping than riding?

My brother Steve and I have only one real goal. It’s not to be the biggest bike shop in the west. Would be nice to be the best, but even that’s not it. We just want you to fall in love with your bike, with getting out there and riding, with living your dream. Whether it be riding “the loop”, taking your kids to Arastradero for their first mountain-bike ride or trying to score the best Strava time on Kings. Your dream. That’s what’s important. We’re here to make sure cycling is something you really love and not just one more thing cluttering your life.

We hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season, even a politically-incorrect Merry Christmas. And wherever you go, whenever you can, go by bike.

Our regularly-scheduled program of sale ads resumes shortly. Thank you very much for being our customer.

Mike & Steve Jacoubowsky and the rest of our fine staff