Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

Announcing TrekCarePlus for your new bike. 3 years of wear & tear coverage, plus accident insurance!

For a higher-mileage rider, TrekCarePlus pays for itself in the first year, and it's good for three! Plus road hazard insurance too. Can't lose!
For a higher-mileage rider, TrekCarePlus pays for itself in the first year, and it’s good for three! Plus road hazard insurance too. Can’t lose!

TrekCarePlus is a new service you can buy with your new Trek bike that will actually cover damage to your bike from “normal” road use, and most parts that wear out (tires, tubes, brake pads excluded, but chain, chainrings, cassettes… yes, it covers them!).

The cost is almost too low to be true. $359 for a $2000-$6999 bike, $499 up to $12,999. That gets you 3 years, and covers most accidents that don’t involve cars, and parts that wear out. What? Did you misread something? Am I saying that Jeff Z, a guy that rides and rides and rides and goes through chains & cassettes & chainrings like butter (and a darned good guy besides), might bankrupt the company with a program like this? Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

How soon does it start? September 3rd. So should you wait to buy a new bike? No, because you can get coverage for any Trek bike purchased in the prior 60 days, meaning a bike today qualifies. Pricing starts as low as $49 (for bikes up to $499.99). Read more about TrekCarePlus in our FAQ.

This is one of the best-reasons ever to get a new Trek from Chain Reaction!

Forget everything I said. Trek’s ProTour team will rock!

From left to right you’re looking at John Burke, President of Trek Bicycles, Jens Voigt, Andy Schleck and Fabian Cancallara. And from the looks of it, they’re in the process of being vaporized. So much for the iPhone’s low-light capabilities!

It’s going to be a great 2014 for Trek with these guys riding the competition into the ground. Jens Voigt, Andy Schleck & Fabian Cancallara.

Trek put up a list of reasons why it’s better to own a team than just be a sponsor; one of them was that you had control over who was on the team so you could hire only “good guys.” Wonder who that was pointed at?

2013 has been a really bad year for the bike biz nationwide, but thankfully both for ourselves and Trek, not so bad. We’re actually up for the year (more $$$ in sales than last), and Trek is down a lot less than their competitors. From what I’ve seen today, next year is going to be very, very good. Unless the weather is very, very bad!