Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

Record day today, but not on the bike

It was a pretty short ride today, partly due to a failing faucet/valve on a bathtub (love working on plumbing at 12:30am, but did find a use for duct tape as a temporary fix), and partly due to Kevin still not being on top of his game. Just up Old LaHonda, south on Skyline, down West Alpine and back 84.

The records were in Los Altos, where our Spring Bike Sale numbers were literally twice our prior biggest-day-ever. We feel a bit like Sally Fields when she won the Oscar for Norma Rae and exclaimed “You like me! You really like me!” It’s going to be a tough act to follow, that’s for sure. –Mike–

We’ll do anything to sell a bike!


Our Director of Marketing
Our Director of Marketing

[This goes back to April, 2013, but still a good read –Mike–] Is our marketing going to the dogs? Can’t tell you how many of these bikes we’ve sold the last couple days during our sale, but it’s a lot. One of our neighbors has been tempted, so our dog, Jack, had the idea that the way to get them to “bite” would be through their own dogs. What you see above was dropped on their doorstep tonight. –Mike–