Category Archives: Shop news

News about Chain Reaction Bicycles

Is this what it takes to get customers?

Don’t know if this got customer into their store, but it sure got my attention when this caravan drove past the shop!

It’s tough for a small retailer (and despite our considerable size in the “bike shop” category, we’re actually pretty small in the grand scheme of things) to compete with the media attention given to midnight mall openings and people camping out for days to save $400 on a crappy 47″ TV. I’ve joked about dressing guys up and having them stand with signs in the middle of El Camino or Foothill, but maybe these guys have got it figured out. The reality is, when I look at the numbers, they’re not bad. It’s just that they’re not the mad-dog shopping experience that TV says should be the norm.

Interesting to hear about the mob scene at Victoria’s Secret when they opened up at midnight post-Thanksgiving; Steve’s daughter works there, said it was absolutely nuts, and they weren’t offering anything special then that they didn’t offer before or afterward (except that the first couple hundred people got a free small bag with a few trinkets & trash). I’ve only been at this for 38 years (33 years as Chain Reaction), so you’d think I’d have it figured out by now. I have, but will I remember? Next year, no big sales like we had this year, ‘cuz it’s obvious that I could almost give stuff away and few would come in, because everyone believes the malls are where it’s at. I’m going to push the anti-mall experience next Christmas season, quality over savings, durability over trash. We’ll see how it works out. –Mike–

Bike shops get skewered by Engadget blogger (and of course, I respond)

You can read the full content here, but I’ll post an excerpt to give you an idea of what Joshua Fruhlinger, an influential blogger at Engadget (a website for people who like high-tech toys), thinks of his local bike shops-

This year, I was in the market for a new mountain bike. My first move, of course, was to look online where I found a multitude of great deals, free shipping and, of course, no tax. I then checked online communities like where I was guilted into checking my local bike shop. For not much more money, it was argued, I’d establish a relationship with a local dealer who would also service my bike and hook me up with equipment and accessories over the life of the bike.

This sounded nice. I like relationships. So I set out to visit two of the most reputable bike shops in the area, money at the ready, in the dead of Black Friday.

The first shop was set up for the big day with a clearance tent out front full of last year’s shoes and pedals. I sauntered past into the showroom and over to the mountain bikes. I stood, staring, waiting for help from one of the three unoccupied salespeople. After 10 minutes, not one approached me. Finally, I walked up to the counter to ask a young, Bieber-esque dude if I could get some help. Without leaving the comfort of the counter, he asked, “What are you looking at?”

“Well, I’m not sure, but I wanted to check out the Specialized and Yetis you have.”

“What’s your budget?”

“I’m still figuring that out.”

He was still behind the counter. I told him I’d come back when he wasn’t so busy.

Continue reading Bike shops get skewered by Engadget blogger (and of course, I respond)